Hello! Thank you for taking the time to learn how to make a contribution to Octo!
These guidelines ensure the maintainers and contributors are working together respectfully on all projects related to Octo. The maintainers have a limited amount of time to devote to this project, so we ask contributors to be considerate. In return, the maintainers will reciprocate that respect and will consider, discuss, and support all acceptable contributions as appropriately identified in this document.
Octo is an Open Source project, and we love support from our community!
To help you out, we will list some examples of acceptable and unacceptable contributions so that you do not waste the valuable time or effort of yourself or our maintainers.
Here are a few resources to learn more about the process!
- https://makeapullrequest.com
- https://www.firsttimersonly.com
- https://app.egghead.io/playlists/how-to-contribute-to-an-open-source-project-on-github
- Open an Issue for a newly discovered bug that is not yet reported.
- Comment on Issues, Discussions, or Pull Requests to provide constructive feedback or (functional) examples.
- Start a Discussion about a feature idea that does not already exist as an Issue or a Discussion.
- Write or record an unofficial tutorial for how to use or contribute to Octo.
- Submit a Pull Request that resolves a documented Issue.
- Submit a Pull Request that improves the existing documentation.
- Do not open an Issue for support questions.
- Do not submit a Pull Request for an undocumented feature idea. All feature ideas should start as a Discussion to ensure we have the chance to properly vet the idea.
- Do not submit a Pull Request purely for code quality (linting, refactoring, reorganizing, etc).
- Do not comment on an Issue, Discussion, or Pull Request to engage in arguments or promote harassment. See our Code of Conduct.
- Do not disclose security vulnerabilities in public. Please email [email protected] instead.
Install the dependencies.
pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
Copy .env.example
to .env
cp .env.example .env
Run the app in development
# binds to
pnpm dev
The emulator is not necessary for most changes. For more information about retrieving a Firebase access token, see the docker-firebase-tools project.
docker-compose up -d
The Firebase Emulator dashboard is available at localhost:32777.
# compiles to ./dist
pnpm build
The build output will be available in the .output
# binds to
pnpm preview