During the use of InspireFace, some error feedback codes may be generated. Here is a table of error feedback codes.
Index | Name | Code | Comment |
1 | HSUCCEED | 0 | Success |
2 | HERR_BASIC_BASE | 1 | Basic error types |
3 | HERR_UNKNOWN | 1 | Unknown error |
4 | HERR_INVALID_PARAM | 2 | Invalid parameter |
5 | HERR_INVALID_IMAGE_STREAM_HANDLE | 25 | Invalid image stream handle |
6 | HERR_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE | 26 | Invalid context handle |
7 | HERR_INVALID_FACE_TOKEN | 31 | Invalid face token |
8 | HERR_INVALID_FACE_FEATURE | 32 | Invalid face feature |
9 | HERR_INVALID_FACE_LIST | 33 | Invalid face feature list |
10 | HERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE | 34 | Invalid copy token |
11 | HERR_INVALID_IMAGE_STREAM_PARAM | 35 | Invalid image param |
12 | HERR_INVALID_SERIALIZATION_FAILED | 36 | Invalid face serialization failed |
13 | HERR_INVALID_DETECTION_INPUT | 37 | Failed to modify detector input size |
14 | HERR_SESS_BASE | 1280 | Session error types |
15 | HERR_SESS_FUNCTION_UNUSABLE | 1282 | Function not usable |
16 | HERR_SESS_TRACKER_FAILURE | 1283 | Tracker module not initialized |
17 | HERR_SESS_INVALID_RESOURCE | 1290 | Invalid static resource |
18 | HERR_SESS_NUM_OF_MODELS_NOT_MATCH | 1291 | Number of models does not match |
19 | HERR_SESS_LANDMARK_NUM_NOT_MATCH | 1300 | The number of input landmark points does not match |
20 | HERR_SESS_PIPELINE_FAILURE | 1288 | Pipeline module not initialized |
21 | HERR_SESS_REC_EXTRACT_FAILURE | 1295 | Face feature extraction not registered |
22 | HERR_SESS_REC_DEL_FAILURE | 1296 | Face feature deletion failed due to out of range index |
23 | HERR_SESS_REC_UPDATE_FAILURE | 1297 | Face feature update failed due to out of range index |
24 | HERR_SESS_REC_ADD_FEAT_EMPTY | 1298 | Feature vector for registration cannot be empty |
25 | HERR_SESS_REC_FEAT_SIZE_ERR | 1299 | Incorrect length of feature vector for registration |
26 | HERR_SESS_REC_INVALID_INDEX | 1300 | Invalid index number |
27 | HERR_SESS_REC_CONTRAST_FEAT_ERR | 1303 | Incorrect length of feature vector for comparison |
28 | HERR_SESS_REC_BLOCK_FULL | 1304 | Feature vector block full |
29 | HERR_SESS_REC_BLOCK_DEL_FAILURE | 1305 | Deletion failed |
30 | HERR_SESS_REC_BLOCK_UPDATE_FAILURE | 1306 | Update failed |
31 | HERR_SESS_REC_ID_ALREADY_EXIST | 1307 | ID already exists |
32 | HERR_SESS_FACE_DATA_ERROR | 1310 | Face data parsing |
33 | HERR_SESS_FACE_REC_OPTION_ERROR | 1320 | An optional parameter is incorrect |
34 | HERR_FT_HUB_DISABLE | 1329 | FeatureHub is disabled |
35 | HERR_FT_HUB_OPEN_ERROR | 1330 | Database open error |
36 | HERR_FT_HUB_NOT_OPENED | 1331 | Database not opened |
37 | HERR_FT_HUB_NO_RECORD_FOUND | 1332 | No record found |
38 | HERR_FT_HUB_CHECK_TABLE_ERROR | 1333 | Data table check error |
39 | HERR_FT_HUB_INSERT_FAILURE | 1334 | Data insertion error |
40 | HERR_FT_HUB_PREPARING_FAILURE | 1335 | Data preparation error |
41 | HERR_FT_HUB_EXECUTING_FAILURE | 1336 | SQL execution error |
42 | HERR_FT_HUB_NOT_VALID_FOLDER_PATH | 1337 | Invalid folder path |
43 | HERR_FT_HUB_ENABLE_REPETITION | 1338 | Enable db function repeatedly |
44 | HERR_FT_HUB_DISABLE_REPETITION | 1339 | Disable db function repeatedly |
45 | HERR_ARCHIVE_LOAD_FAILURE | 1360 | Archive load failure |
46 | HERR_ARCHIVE_LOAD_MODEL_FAILURE | 1361 | Model load failure |
47 | HERR_ARCHIVE_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR | 1362 | The archive format is incorrect |
48 | HERR_ARCHIVE_REPETITION_LOAD | 1363 | Do not reload the model |
49 | HERR_ARCHIVE_NOT_LOAD | 1364 | Model not loaded |