bug fix: move clear to beforeRouteLeave
bug fix: move clear to beforeRouteLeave
clear interval when leave task detail page
clear interval when leave task detail page
bug fix: avoid exception when get task log finished
bug fix: avoid exception when get task log finished
bug fix: use $appGlobal correctly
bug fix: use $appGlobal correctly
auto load task status and log when task is not finished
auto load task status and log when task is not finished
bug fix: auto load logs when logs cannot fill the screen
bug fix: auto load logs when logs cannot fill the screen
change post register page content
change post register page content
increase infinite-scroll-distance
increase infinite-scroll-distance
change transaction detail url
change transaction detail url
fix bug which the creator name is incorrect in tasklist api
fix bug which the creator name is incorrect in tasklist api
increase nginx client max body size to 1000m
increase nginx client max body size to 1000m
bug fix: install dependcies in dockerfile correctly
bug fix: install dependcies in dockerfile correctly
fix web dependencies version
fix web dependencies version
bug fix: use delta-task 0.8.1 instead of 0.8.0
bug fix: use delta-task 0.8.1 instead of 0.8.0
revert config in vue.config.js
revert config in vue.config.js