Is it possible to scale horizontally? #487
I've deployed a WAHA plus server on AWS ECS fargate, i'm using DocumentDB (Mongo) for store my client's sessions with an EFS volume mounted to the I've set horizontal autoscaling policies on the ECS service for scaling up and down instances based on CPU/Memory spikes, but when we're with more than one replicas we can't see all the sessions unified, as the load balancer round robin the server we see the sessions that handled by the specific fargate instance, so my client's app has been losing the track of the other's sessions. So, how can we scale it horizontally? Is it possible? Am I missing something? Docker image: ECS fargate task defintion: {
"taskDefinitionArn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:${CLIENT_AWS_ACCOUNT}:task-definition/whatsapp-http-api-plus:21",
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "whatsapp-http-api-plus",
"image": "${CLIENT_AWS_ACCOUNT}",
"cpu": 1024,
"memory": 2048,
"memoryReservation": 100,
"portMappings": [
"name": "whatsapp-http-api-plus",
"containerPort": 3000,
"hostPort": 3000,
"protocol": "tcp"
"essential": true,
"environment": [
"value": "2.2412.54-videofix"
"value": "True"
"value": "/app/.media"
"value": "*"
"value": "0"
"value": "${NLB_HOST}"
"value": "mongodb://${USER}:${PASSWORD}@${DOCUMENT_DB_HOST}:27017/?replicaSet=rs0&readPreference=secondaryPreferred&retryWrites=false"
"mountPoints": [
"sourceVolume": "efs-media-volume",
"containerPath": "/app/.media"
"volumesFrom": [],
"linuxParameters": {
"initProcessEnabled": false
"startTimeout": 30,
"stopTimeout": 120,
"user": "0",
"privileged": false,
"readonlyRootFilesystem": false,
"interactive": false,
"pseudoTerminal": false,
"logConfiguration": {
"logDriver": "awslogs",
"options": {
"awslogs-group": "/aws/ecs/whatsapp-http-api-plus/whatsapp-http-api-plus",
"awslogs-region": "us-east-1",
"awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs"
"systemControls": []
"family": "whatsapp-http-api-plus",
"taskRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::${CLIENT_AWS_ACCOUNT}:role/Production-tasks-20240706022332889100000004",
"executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::${CLIENT_AWS_ACCOUNT}:role/whatsapp-http-api-plus-20240706022332889100000002",
"networkMode": "awsvpc",
"revision": 21,
"volumes": [
"name": "efs-media-volume",
"efsVolumeConfiguration": {
"fileSystemId": "fs-aaaaaaaaaa",
"rootDirectory": "/"
"status": "ACTIVE",
"requiresAttributes": [
"name": "ecs.capability.execution-role-awslogs"
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.ecr-auth"
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.17"
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.21"
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.task-iam-role"
"name": "ecs.capability.execution-role-ecr-pull"
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.18"
"name": "ecs.capability.task-eni"
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.logging-driver.awslogs"
"name": "ecs.capability.efsAuth"
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.19"
"name": "ecs.capability.efs"
"name": "ecs.capability.container-ordering"
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.25"
"placementConstraints": [],
"compatibilities": [
"requiresCompatibilities": [
"cpu": "1024",
"memory": "4096",
"runtimePlatform": {
"cpuArchitecture": "X86_64",
"operatingSystemFamily": "LINUX"
"registeredAt": "2024-08-02T22:12:01.604Z",
"registeredBy": "arn:aws:sts::${CLIENT_AWS_ACCOUNT}:assumed-role/AWSReservedSSO_AdministratorAccess_6577028d392518dd/marcelomanchester",
"tags": [
"key": "Repository",
"value": ""
"key": "Name",
"value": "Production"
} |
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You're missing that WAHA is not stateless application, it has a runtime state (not technically a state as in database, but still a state) - the connection to WhatsApp (either browser or websocket connection) which can not be moved automatically, so all HTTP request must be "sticky", meaning it MUST go only to the certain "worker" - one with "running" session. General advice for WAHA Horizontal Scaling is to use Sharding (workers) approach - meaning that you need to run predefined numbers of workers and distribute in your application code sessions across it based on some fact - usually # of session on that container. We're working right now on built-in workers support, as well as built-in load balancing, but no ETA (estimated time of arrival) yet :( Right now Sharding is the best way how you can handle >1000 sessions. Btw, what number of session are we talking about? btw, add +1 if you need AWS S3 support instead of EFS! #353 |
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Here your go! |
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Here your go!
WAHA Scaling - How To Handle 500+ Sessions