The Orchestration module is responsible for managing the orchestration of agents and teams within the system. It includes functionalities for handling events, orchestrating tasks, and integrating with RabbitMQ for message consumption.
The module is structured as follows:
: Defines the Orchestration module and its dependencies.application/
: Contains the application layer, including services and event
: Defines theOrchestratorAgentsService
for orchestrating agent
: Defines theOrchestratorTeamsService
for orchestrating team creation.event-handlers/agent-assigned-to-task.handler.ts
: Defines theAgentAssignedToTaskHandler
for handling agent task assignment events.event-handlers/team-created.handler.ts
: Defines theTeamCreatedHandler
for handling team creation events.
: Contains the infrastructure layer, including RabbitMQ consumers.rabbitmq/rabbitmq.consumer.ts
: Defines theRabbitMQConsumer
for consuming RabbitMQ messages.
The OrchestrationModule
is defined in orchestration.module.ts
and includes the following components:
: Provides the service implementation for orchestrating agent tasks.OrchestratorTeamsService
: Provides the service implementation for orchestrating team creation.AgentAssignedToTaskHandler
: Handles theAgentAssignedToTaskEvent
for agent task assignments.TeamCreatedHandler
: Handles theTeamCreatedEvent
for team creation.RabbitMQConsumer
: Consumes RabbitMQ messages for task assignments.
The OrchestratorAgentsService
class orchestrates the flow when an agent receives a task. It interacts with various other services, including AgentsService
, TaskServiceImpl
, LLMService
, ToolService
, and MemoryRepository
The OrchestratorTeamsService
class orchestrates actions when a new team is created. It interacts with TeamService
and provides methods for handling team creation, including creating default channels and notifying the team creator.
The AgentAssignedToTaskHandler
class handles the AgentAssignedToTaskEvent
and interacts with OrchestratorAgentsService
to initiate the orchestration flow when an agent is assigned to a task.
The TeamCreatedHandler
class handles the TeamCreatedEvent
and interacts with OrchestratorTeamsService
to initiate the orchestration flow when a new team is created.
The RabbitMQConsumer
class listens to the tasks
exchange with the task.assigned
routing key and interacts with OrchestratorAgentsService
to initiate the orchestration flow when a task is assigned to an agent.