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Scroll component, which is encapsulated based on better-scroll, provides high-quality native scrolling experience and has convenient configuration along with events.

Scrolling principle

The better-scroll's scrolling principle is, the length of the first child element exceeds the length of the container in the scroll direction.

So for the Scroll component, The length of .cube-scroll-content, the scroll-content, must be larger than .cube-scroll-wrapper, the container element. Depending on the direction of scrolling, there are two situations:

1)Scrolling vertically: The height of the content element must be greater than the container element. Since the height of the container element will be stretched by the height of the child element by default, in order to satisfy our scrolling premise, you need to give the Scroll component's .cube-scroll-wrapper element an fixed height.

2)Scrolling horizontally: The width of the content element must be greater than the container element. Since the child element's width does not exceed the container element by default, the Scroll component's .cube-scroll-content element needs to be set to a width greater than the .cube-scroll-wrapper.

Note: If there is any situation where scrolling is not possible, you should first check if the height/width of the content element .cube-scroll-content is greater than the height/width of the container element .cube-scroll-wrapper. This is a prerequisite for content to scroll. If there is images in the content, the scrolling should be not normal. The reason is images may not be downloaded when the DOM element is rendered, so the height of the content element is less than expected. At this point you should manually call the Scroll component's refresh() method after the image has been loaded, such as calling in the onload event callback, which will recalculate the scroll distance. Scroll related FAQs can seek [Cube-UI/Question-Answer].


Seven sample code to quickly understand how to use the Scroll component.

  • 1. Basic usage - Default

    By setting the data property to an array, you can generate an elegantly scrolling list. The complete sample code is here.

    <div class="scroll-list-wrap">
      height: 350px

    Note: As the scrolling principle above, it is necessary to provide a fixed height to the scroll container, and scroll only when the height of the scroll content is greater than the height of the container.

    In the prop options, you are able to control the scrollbar seen or not via scrollbar, and configure the initial position by startX/startY.

    Scroll component provides a scrollTo() method that allows you to manually control the list scroll position.

    scrollTo() {

    In fact, this is a very useful method, such as when we want to achieve "click different anchor, list scroll to the corresponding position to show different content", you can use the scrollTo () method.

  • 2. Scrolling horizontally - Horizontal

    Scroll component supports horizontal scrolling. All you need to do is specifying direction = 'horizontal' and giving some styles. The complete sample code is here

      <ul class="list-wrapper">
        <li v-for="item in items" class="list-item">{{ item }}</li>
      border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
      border-radius: 5px
        display: inline-block
        padding: 0 10px
        line-height: 60px
        white-space: nowrap
        display: inline-block

    Note:1. As the scrolling principle above, the CSS style setting here is required, and scrolling is possible only when the scrolling content is wider than the container width. 2. Sometimes we want to use the Scroll component to simulate the horizontal scroll, vertically retaining the browser's native scrolling, or vice versa. At this point you need to pass the better-scroll configuration item eventPassthrough

    Here giving a brief explanation of the style settings. list-item items with display: inline-block lead to all list-item elements showing on one line. list-wrapper adds white-space: nowrap hope list-item also showing on one line when reaching the outer element boundary. And the most important is setting cube-scroll-content with display: inline-block, which make the width of cube-scroll-content bigger enough so that cube-scroll-content can wrap descendants elements. Styles with the same properties are floating elements and absolutely positioned elements. When no specific width is set, the width is the minimum width of the wrapped descendant element.

  • 3. Custom content - Customized

    The Scroll component supports the customization of list content through default slot. The complete sample code is here.

    <div class="scroll-list-wrap">
        ... // custom content

    Scroll components also support pull-down refresh and pull-up load capabilities. By default, there is no pulldown refresh/pull-up load. You can enable corresponding functions by pullDownRefresh and pullUpLoad. After opening, when pulling down, the Scroll component will show the default pulldown animation and dispatch pulldown events. You can monitor the pull-down event to update the data. Similarly, after the pull-up load is enabled, the data can be updated by the pull-up event.

    pullDownRefresh's related configurations include: drop threshold (threshold), rebound position (stop), update successful copy (txt) and copy display time (stopTime). See the Props configuration for all the configuration items and meanings of the pullDownRefresh and pullUpLoad objects.

    ... // ignore
    computed: {
      options() {
        return {
          pullDownRefresh: this.pullDownRefreshObj,
          pullUpLoad: this.pullUpLoadObj,
          scrollbar: true
    methods: {
      onPullingDown() {
        // simulate asynchronous request data
        setTimeout(() => {
          if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
            // if data update
          } else {
            // if no data update
        }, 1000)
      onPullingUp() {
        // simulate asynchronous request data
        setTimeout(() => {
          if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
            // if data update
            let newPage = _foods.slice(0, 5)
            this.items = this.items.concat(newPage)
          } else {
            // if no data update
        }, 1000)

    Note: If a pulldown-refresh/pullup-loading has no data update, you must manually call the Scroll component's forceUpdate() method to end the pulldown-refresh/pullup-loading so that Scroll will restart listening for the next pulldown-refresh/pullup-loading operation. In the above example, when the data is updated, we did not invoke the forceUpdate() method. The reason is: ** If you pass the data attribute to the Scroll component, then when the Scroll component listens to the data update, the forceUpate(true) method will be called automatically. ** so it is recommended to pass the data attribute.

  • 4. Custom pull-down refresh animation - Fake JD App

    If you don't like the built-in pull-down refresh and pull-up loading animations, you can also use the scope slots for custom animations. The variables exposed by the scoped slots of the Scroll component are perfect to meet the needs of custom pull-down/pull-up animations in most scenarios. The following example imitates the pull-down refresh animation of Jingdong App's homepage. The complete sample code is here.

      <img src="">
      <template slot="pulldown" slot-scope="props">
        <div v-if="props.pullDownRefresh"
          <div class="pulldown-content">
            <img src="">
            <span v-if="props.beforePullDown">{{ pullDownTip }}</span>
            <template v-else>
              <span v-if="props.isPullingDown">正在更新...</span>
              <span v-else>更新成功</span>
    data() {
      return {
        options: {
          pullDownRefresh: {
            threshold: 60,
            stop: 40,
            txt: '更新成功'
    computed: {
      pullDownTip() {
        if (this.pullDownY <= 60) {
          return '下拉刷新...'
        } else if (this.pullDownY <= 90) {
          return '继续下拉有惊喜...'
        } else {
          return '松手得惊喜!'
      headerStyle() {
        return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, 1 - this.pullDownY / 40))
    methods: {
      onScrollHandle(pos) {
        this.pullDownY = pos.y
        if (pos.y > 0) {
          this.pullDownStyle = `top:${pos.y}px`
          this.triggerSurpriseFlag = false
          if (this.pullDownY > 90) {
            this.triggerSurpriseFlag = true
        this.$ = this.headerStyle
      onPullingDown() {
        if (this.triggerSurpriseFlag) {
          this.triggerSurprise = true
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 1000)

    Through the scope parameters provided by the scoped slots, such as: beforePulldown and isPullingDown, allows you control the animation process. Tht other scope parameters, see slots. In a complete pulldown refresh, the status of beforePullDown and isPullingDown changes as follows:

    step beforePulldown isPullingDown note
    1. Untrigger pull-down refresh true - Show pattern guide user continues to pull down
    2. Trigger pull-down refresh false true Asynchronous request data,show loading
    3. Request data success false false invoke forceUpdate(true), show success copy. And delay 'stopTime' into step 4
    4. A pull-down refresh complete true - -
  • 5. Advanced usage - Fake TouTiao App

Scroll components can meet the scrolling needs of most mobile applications. In this example, using two Scroll components, one vertical and one horizontal, to imitates the Toutiao App's home page. The complete sample code is here.

  <div class="nav-scroll-list-wrap">
    <cube-scroll ref="navScroll" direction="horizontal">
      <ul class="nav-wrapper">
        <li v-for="(item, index) in navTxts" :key="index" class="nav-item">{{ item }}</li>
    <div class="more-wrapper">
      <span class="more"></span>
  <div class="content-scroll-wrapper">
    <div class="content-scroll-list-wrap" ref="scrollWrapper">
        <ul class="imgs-wrapper">
          <li v-for="(item, index) in content" :key="index" class="imgs-item">
            <img :src="item.url">
        <template slot="pulldown" slot-scope="props">
          <div v-if="props.pullDownRefresh"
            <div v-if="props.beforePullDown"
              :style="{paddingTop: props.bubbleY + 'px'}">
              <span :class="{rotate: props.bubbleY > options.pullDownRefresh.threshold - 60}"></span>
            <div class="after-trigger" v-else>
              <div v-show="props.isPullingDown" class="loading">
              <transition name="success">
                <div v-show="!props.isPullingDown" class="text-wrapper"><span class="refresh-text">今日头条推荐引擎有x条更新</span></div>

In contrast to faking JD App example, pulldown refreshing custom animations use pullDownStyle and bubbleY in pulldown scope slots to facilitate pulldown animations.

The pullDownStyle is used to control the position of the pull-down content. The value is the string top: n px (n represents a number). The Scroll component controls the position of the pull-down content via the absolutely positioned top value. The initial state has a negative top value, and the value is just the height of the pull-down content, so the drop-down content is hidden above the scroll area. When the pull-down process is started, the Scroll component will gradually increase the top value and update the pull-down content position in real time. The maximum value of top is 0, that is, the top value no longer increases when the pull-down content is completely displayed. So, pullY - height <= top <= 0. (pullY is the drop-down distance, height is the drop-down content height)

bubbleY is used to help implement custom animations. In the default animation, bubbleY is used to control the length of the bubble tail; in the Toutiao example, is used to control the padding-top value of the arrow, to indirectly control the arrow position. The minimum value of bubbleY is 0. In the pull-down process, when the pull-down distance is greater than the height of the pull-down content, bubbleY starts to increase. That is, 0 <= bubbleY <= pullY - height.

Note: In this example, the pullDownRefresh configuration item does not have a stop value, but it is still able to bounce back to the correct location after the pulldown. The reason is that when the Scroll component is initialized, the pulldown height will be used as the stop default value when beforePullDown === false && isPullingDown === true.

6. Vertical nested scrolls - Vertical Scrolls1.12.0

The Scroll component also supports nested scenes (currently only supports two levels of nesting). when there is scroll nest, you need to config the inner scroll component's nestMode prop,the options can be 'native' or 'free'. when set to 'native', nested Scroll has the same scrolling behavior as the browser's native nested scene. The complete sample code is here.

    <ul class="cube-scroll-list">
      <li class="cube-scroll-item border-bottom-1px"
        v-for="(item, index) in items2"

7. Horizontal nested scrolls - Horizontal Scrolls1.12.0

You can also implement horizontal nested scrolling. In this example, we also set nestMode to free. Different from native mode, in free mode, as long as the boundary is triggered during the inner scrolling process, the outer scroll will be started. In the native mode, it is only when the scrolling starts to determine whether it reaches the boundary, which is consistent with the browser's native nested scrolling. The complete sample code is here.

  <ul class="list-wrapper">
    <li v-for="item in items1" class="list-item">{{ item }}</li>
    <li class="list-item inner-horizontal-scroll">
        <ul class="list-wrapper">
          <li v-for="item in items2" class="list-item">{{ item }}</li>
    <li v-for="item in items1" class="list-item">{{ item }}</li>

Props configuration

Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
data data used for list rendering Array - []
direction scrolling direction String 'vertical', 'horizontal' 'vertical'
options the options of better-scroll, you could find details at BS Document Object - {
observeDOM: true,
click: true,
probeType: 1,
scrollbar: false,
pullDownRefresh: false,
pullUpLoad: false
scrollEvents1.9.0 configure which scroll events need be triggered Array could include: 'scroll', 'before-scroll-start', 'scroll-end' []
listenScroll whether to dispatch scroll event. Deprecated, please use the property scroll-events instead. Boolean true/false false
listenBeforeScroll whether to dispatch before-scroll-start event. Deprecated, please use the property scroll-events instead. Boolean true/false false
refreshDelay the delay of scroll refresh after data updating Number - 20
nestMode1.12.0 Nested scroll mode, the default is none mode that do no thing when there is scroll nest. In native mode, only to determine whether to reach the boundary and start the outer scroll when starting scrolling, consistent with the browser's native nested scrolling. In the free mode, as long as the boundary is triggered during the inner scrolling process, the outer scrolling is turned on. In extreme cases, you can specify the none mode for the inner Scroll to disable nested processing logic. String 'none', 'native', 'free' 'none'

In options, there are three frequently-used options, scrollbarpullDownRefreshpullUpLoad, which could set as Boolean(false to disable the feature, true to enable the feature and use default sub configuration), or Object to enable the feature and customize the sub configuration.

  • scrollbar sub configuration
Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
fade whether to have fade-in-fade-out style Boolean true/false false
  • pullDownRefresh sub configuration
Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
threshold the threshold of distance that pulling down for refreshing Number - 90
stop the position where rebounding stays Number - Scroll component will calculate the height of pulldown element as default stop value
stopTime the time that keeps showing the text of refreshing success Number - 600
txt the text is shown when refreshing successfully String - 'Refresh success'
  • pullUpLoad sub configuration
Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
threshold the threshold of distance that pulling up for loading Number - 0
txt the text shown when pulling up loading Object - { more: '', noMore: '' }
visible1.12.21 txt visible or not when content is not more enough Boolean true/false false

When pullUpLoad is enabled and the content height is smaller than the container, by default, the copy pullUpLoad.txt needs to be pulled up to be seen. If you want to see the prompt copy without pulling up, you can set pullUpLoad.visible to true


Name Description Scope Parameters
default the list, rendering based on the value of property data -
pulldown located above the list and shown when pulling down refreshing pullDownRefresh: whether to turn on pulling-down-refreshing function
pullDownStyle: the style of showing and fading
beforePullDown: whether in pulling down operation
isPullingDown: whether in the process of pulling in data
bubbleY: the distance of pulling down currently - 50
pullup located below the list and shown when pulling up loading pullUpLoad: whether to turn on pulling-up-loading function
isPullUpLoad: whether the data is being loaded


Event Name Description Parameters
click triggers when clicking the list item item - the data of the list item
scroll if scroll-events includes scroll, it will be triggered according to the value of probeType, if listenScroll is true Object {x, y} - real-time scrolling coordinates
before-scroll-start if scroll-events includes before-scroll-start, it will be triggered before scrolling start -
scroll-end1.9.0 if scroll-events includes scroll-end, it will be triggered when scroll end. Object {x, y} - real-time scrolling coordinates
pulling-down triggers when the distance of pulling down exceeds the threshold, if pullDownRefresh is true -
pulling-up triggers when the distance of pulling up exceeds the threshold, if pullUpLoad is true -


Method Name Description Parameters
scrollTo(x, y, time, ease) Scroll to specific position. x: number, horizontal position
y: number, vertical position
time: number, transition time(ms)
ease: easingFn, easing function
forceUpdate(dirty, nomore1.12.21) Mark pull-up or pull-down end, force recalculation of scrollable distance dirty: boolean, default to false, if true express has data update。
nomore1.12.21: boolean, default to false, if true represent has no more data. When params nomore is true, when pullup shows the value of pullUpLoad.txt.nomore, but when dirty is false, nomore is invalid.
disable() Disable scroll. -
enable() Enable scroll. It's enabled by default -
resetPullUpTxt() Reset pull up txt when pull up state changed from no data to data updated -
refresh() Refresh, computed height and called BetterScroll instance's refresh -