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Pre-processing crear la matriz dinámica

  1. Crea el objeto con la estructura:

    structure = CC.Structure.Structure()

    1. Lee el archivo con la estructura en formato cif:


    1. Prepara el calculador:

    calculator = ase.calculators.emt() #por ejemplo

    1. Relax structure with the calculator:

    relax = CC.calculators.Relax(structure, calculator) relaxed = relax.static_relax()

    1. Crea la matriz dinámica:

    dyn = CC.Phonons.compute_phonons_finite_displacements(structure, calculator, supercell = (4,4,4))

    1. Guarda la matriz dinámica:

    dyn.Symmetrize() dyn.save_qe(namefile)

pasos minimizacion

  1. Lee las matrices dinamicas:

    dyn = CC.Phonons.Phonons(namefile, NQIRR)

    1. Aplica la regla de la suma y simetriza:


    1. Elimina las frecuencias imaginarias (forzando a que sean positivas definidas):


    • Como extra podemos ver las frecuencias_

    w_s, pols = dyn.DiagonalizeSupercell()

  2. Genera el ensablado:

    1. ensemble = sscha.Ensemble.Ensemble(dyn, 1000, supercell = dyn.GetSupercell())

    2. ensemble.generate(N)

Ejecuta el calculo de las energias, fuerzas y el stress con un programa externo

Se repiten los pasos 1 y 2, pero cargando los resultados del calculo anterior

  1. Define la minimizacion:

    minimizer = sscha.SchaMinimizer.SSCHA_Minimizer(ensemble)

    1. Parametros de la minimizacion:

    minimizer.min_step_dyn = 0.005 # The minimization step on the dynamical matrix minimizer.min_step_struc = 0.05 # The minimization step on the structure minim.gradi_op = "all" # Check the stopping condition on both gradients minimizer.kong_liu_ratio = 0.5 # The parameter that estimates whether the ensemble is still good minimizer.meaningful_factor = 0.000001 # How much small the gradient should be before I stop?

Ahora hay dos opciones: 4. A: Paso a paso

minimizer.init() ... minimizer.finalize()

  1. B: Relajación automatica:

    relax = sscha.Relax.SSCHA(minimizer, ase_calculator = ff_calculator, N_configs = 10000, max_pop = 20) relax.relax()

post processing: hesiano de Energia libre

%necesitamos actualizar los pesos!!!-> ens.update_weights(final_dyn, T)

  • Matriz dinamica original:

    dyn = CC.Phonons.Phonons(DYN_PREFIX, NQIRR)

  • Matriz dinamica actual:

    final_dyn = CC.Phonons.Phonons(FINAL_DYN, NQIRR)

  • reensmblado:

    ens = sscha.Ensemble.Ensemble(dyn, Tg, dyn.GetSupercell()) ens.load(DATA_DIR, POPULATION, N_RANDOM)

  • Importante reajustar los pesos:

    ens.update_weights(final_dyn, T)

    dyn_hessian = ens.get_free_energy_hessian(include_v4 = INCLUDE_V4, get_full_hessian = True, verbose = True) dyn_hessian.save_qe(SAVE_PREFIX)

post processing: spectral_function

#! Initialize the tensor3 object #! We need 2nd FCs of the used grid to configure the supercell. #! For example, we can use the sscha final auxiliary dynamical matrices dyn = CC.Phonons.Phonons("dyn_end_population3_",3) supercell = dyn.GetSupercell() tensor3 = CC.ForceTensor.Tensor3(dyn.structure, dyn.structure.generate_supercell(supercell), supercell)

#! Assign the tensor3 values d3 = np.load("d3_realspace_sym.npy")*2.0 # The 2 factor is because of units, needs to be passed to Ry tensor3.SetupFromTensor(d3)

#! Center and apply ASR, which is needed to interpolate the third order force constant tensor3.Center() tensor3.Apply_ASR()

#! Print the tensor if you want, uncommenting the next line #tensor3.WriteOnFile(fname="FC3",file_format='D3Q')

#! Calculate the spectral function at Gamma in the no-mode mixing approximation #! keeping the energy dependence on the self-energy.

#! An interpolation grid needs to be used (and one needs to check convergence with #! respect to it considering different values of the smearing)

#! interpolation grid k_grid=[20,20,20]


CC.Spectral.get_diag_dynamic_correction_along_path(dyn=dyn, tensor3=tensor3,
k_grid=k_grid, q_path=G, T = 200, # The temperature for the calculation
e1=145, de=0.1, e0=0, # The energy grid in cm-1 sm1=1.0, nsm=1, sm0=1.0, # The smearing \eta for the analytic continuation filename_sp = 'nomm_spectral_func') # Output file name

#! Now perform the calculation of the spectral function in a #! path of q points where the list of q points is gicen in 2pi/a units, with #! a the lattice parameter given in Arnstrong

CC.Spectral.get_diag_dynamic_correction_along_path(dyn=dyn, tensor3=tensor3, k_grid=k_grid, q_path_file="XGX.dat", T = 200.0, e1=145, de=0.1, e0=0, sm1=1.0, nsm=1, sm0=1.0, filename_sp = 'nomm_spectral_func_in_path')

post processing:

  1. w, p = minimizer.dyn.DiagonalizeSupercell()
  2. relax.minim.plot_results()
    1. ens.update_weights(final_dyn, T)
  3. free_energy_hessian = relax.minim.ensemble.get_free_energy_hessian(...)