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CMake build and test

Various useful bits of c++

This is header only C++ library for doing useful things. Such as printing human readable type names, converting string_views to numbers. See the Currently available targets section for detail.

All files are in individual directories under include.

Documentation can be found at the top of each file.

Getting libut

The easiest way to include libut in your CMake project is with fetch_content.

Simply add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:

# Set the directory to download dependencies to. Avoids putting them in $buildDir
  GIT_TAG trunk # alternatively you can use a hash to pin exact venison to use

# assuming MY_TARGET is a valid target (executable or library)

target_link_libraries(MY_TARGET UT::target_name)

Currently available targets

  • UT::ptr_containers: containers for storing owning pointers
  • UT::check: type which prints when it is constructed/copied/moved/destructed
  • UT::pair: a better std::pair implementation
  • UT::add_noexcept: add the noexcept specifier to a function type
  • UT::change_observer: wrapper class that invokes callbacks when it's held value changes
  • UT::sv_to_num: convert std::string_view to a number
  • UT::copy_traits: copy cvref qualifiers from one type to another
  • UT::realloc_unique_ptr: realloc functionality for std::uniqur_ptr
  • UT::assert: various assertion macros
  • UT::resource: a more general version of std::unique_ptr that operates on values
  • UT::demangle: convert types into human readable strings
  • UT::constexpr_hash: a hashing function usable in constexpr context
  • UT::trim: trim characters from start and end of a std::string_view
  • UT::pack_loops: loop over variadic template parameters
  • UT::static_string: compile time known string usable as a template parameter
  • UT::mt_queue: thread safe FIFO queue
  • UT::curry: create a curried function out of a regular function
  • UT::defer: a macro to defer execution until the scope ends
  • UT::print: macros for printing using std::format in c++20

A special target UT::all is also available, combining all of the above.


Test can be ran using Catch2

git clone
./vcpkg/ -disableMetrics
./vcpkg/vcpkg install catch2
cmake --preset local
cmake --build build
# or
ctest --output-on-failure --test-dir build/tests

NOTE: you can use the local preset to build with ninja, or default to build with the default generator (e.g. "Unix Makefiles" on Linux)


The files included as gists, the license is included in the file (usually at the bottom). For all other files, see LICENSE in the root of this repo.