- actually run full workflow in GitHub Actions CI (18680e2)
- add group definitions in config.yaml (e098627)
- add initial qc steps (2340870)
- add working illumina simulation by sliding window approach, add nanosim via wrapper (c3ba388)
- create samples.tsv and units.tsv (d7268d5)
- extend config to specify target coverage per-group and per-circle (84eb01d)
- generate coverage output for qc (973cd97)
- rules and configuration, working up until circle creation (4451d20)
- use personal access token to enable GitHub Actions runs on release-please PRs (#3) (1c50e03)
- also define MODEL in exactly one place (317ee10)
- define mean_nuc variables in one place, for reusing them later (b98269d)
- do read simulations per circle (and cov), then merge circles into group sample files (9fa8d94)
- enforce ci runs in main directory (db03093)
- include / document crazy memory requirements of nanosim (dac951f)
- lookup in input file syntax (88c4d6b)
- nanopore mean read length determination (lognormal distribution and parameter specification in nanosim are unintuitive to me) (fc46a3c)
- release-please token name (#4) (2b2398d)
- remove unused test.fa file (#2) (d7b5631)
- scripts paths after linting update (0ae7529)
- small samples.tsv and units.tsv generation fixes (cd99761)
- use minimap2 for mapping instead of bwa-mem2, especially important for long read data (162ff28)