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RuntimeError: main thread is not in main loop while running #19

baderababtain opened this issue Jul 6, 2022 · 2 comments


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Thank you for the great effort that you have put in the project and for making it available publicly.

I am facing an issue while training the full models using

I am running it on windows 11:
Python 3.7.13

and with the following env:

Package                  Version
------------------------ ------------
aiohttp                  3.8.1
aiohttp-cors             0.7.0
aioredis                 2.0.1
aiosignal                1.2.0
async-timeout            4.0.2
asynctest                0.13.0
attrs                    21.4.0
blessings                1.7
brotlipy                 0.7.0
bz2file                  0.98
cachetools               5.2.0
carla                    0.9.10
certifi                  2022.5.18.1
cffi                     1.15.0
charset-normalizer       2.0.12
click                    8.1.3
colorama                 0.4.4
colorful                 0.5.4
cryptography             37.0.1
cycler                   0.11.0
decorator                4.4.2
Deprecated               1.2.13
dictor                   0.1.10
distro                   1.7.0
dobbin                   0.3
docker-pycreds           0.4.0
einops                   0.3.2
ephem                    4.1.3
filelock                 3.7.1
fonttools                4.33.3
frozenlist               1.3.0
gitdb                    4.0.9
GitPython                3.1.27
google-api-core          2.8.1
google-auth              2.8.0
googleapis-common-protos 1.56.2
gpustat                  0.6.0
grpcio                   1.46.3
idna                     3.3
imageio                  2.9.0
imageio-ffmpeg           0.4.7
imgaug                   0.4.0
importlib-metadata       4.11.4
importlib-resources      5.7.1
joblib                   1.1.0
jsonschema               4.6.0
kiwisolver               1.4.2
lmdb                     1.3.0
matplotlib               3.2.2
mkl-fft                  1.3.1
mkl-random               1.2.2
mkl-service              2.4.0
moviepy                  1.0.3
msgpack                  1.0.4
multidict                6.0.2
networkx                 2.2
numpy                    1.21.5
nvidia-ml-py3            7.352.0
opencensus               0.9.0
opencensus-context       0.1.2
packaging                21.3
pathtools                0.1.2
Pillow                   5.4.1
pip                      21.2.4
proglog                  0.1.10
prometheus-client        0.14.1
promise                  2.3
protobuf                 3.20.1
psutil                   5.9.1
py-spy                   0.3.12
py-trees                 0.8.3
pyasn1                   0.4.8
pyasn1-modules           0.2.8
pycparser                2.21
pydot                    1.4.2
pygame                   2.1.2
pyOpenSSL                22.0.0
pyparsing                3.0.9
pyrsistent               0.18.1
PySocks                  1.7.1
python-dateutil          2.8.2
pytorch-metric-learning  1.4.0
PyWavelets               1.3.0
PyYAML                   6.0
ray                      1.1.0
redis                    4.3.3
requests                 2.28.0
rsa                      4.8
scikit-image             0.18.3
scikit-learn             1.0.2
scipy                    1.7.3
sentry-sdk               1.5.12
setproctitle             1.2.3
setuptools               61.2.0
Shapely                  1.8.2
shortuuid                1.0.9
simple-watchdog-timer    0.1.1
six                      1.16.0
smmap                    5.0.0
tabulate                 0.8.9
threadpoolctl            3.1.0
tifffile                 2021.11.2
tk                       0.1.0
torch                    1.11.0+cu113
torch-scatter            1.4.0
torchaudio               0.11.0+cu113
torchvision              0.12.0+cu113
tqdm                     4.24.0
transaction              3.0.1
typing_extensions        4.2.0
urllib3                  1.26.9
wandb                    0.12.20
wheel                    0.37.1
win-inet-pton            1.1.0
wincertstore             0.2
wrapt                    1.14.1
yarl                     1.7.2
zipp                     3.8.0
zope.interface           5.4.0

When I run the following command:
python C:\Users\username\LAV\lav\ --num-workers 0 --batch-size 8

I get the following error:

RuntimeError: main thread is not in main loop 
Tcl_AsyncDelete: async handler deleted by the wrong thread

In the tkinter file in init to be exact in the del in line 3504-3510:

    def __del__(self):
      'image', 'delete',
            except TclError:
                # May happen if the root was destroyed

I am not sure why the error happens or where is the main thread that is not in the main loop.

I would be highly appreciative for any help. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful effort.

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witomalik commented Jul 28, 2022

Dear @dotchen I also got the same issue.

Previously I tried to train full map and found this issue.

lmdb.Error: Datasets/LAV/LAV-full/main_trajs_lidar_leaderboard2/ojqvvvjmpc: Too many open files
OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files: '/tmp/tmps5uonmzowandb-media'

I am using ubuntu 20.04.3

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jinsong8196 commented Feb 17, 2023

@witomalik Excuse me, have you solved the problem "OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files..."?

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