1 | 1 | # Contributing
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| -Heya! Welcome to Directus, and thank you for taking the time to contribute back to Open Source Software! ❤️ We want |
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| -everybody to be able to contribute to Directus, no matter your background or expertise. In order to facilitate that, |
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| -we've put together a couple tips and tricks below. Our team truly appreciates every single contributor, community |
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| -member, GitHub star, pull-request, bug report, and feature request. Keeping Directus completely open-source is our way |
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| -of saying: **Thank you!** |
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| -> We're here to help! |
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| -> If you have _any_ questions along your contributor journey, please feel free to come chat with us on |
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| -> [our Discord server](https://directus.chat). |
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| -## Code of Conduct |
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| -**The Directus [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/directus/directus/blob/main/code_of_conduct.md) is one of the ways |
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| -we put our values into practice. We expect all of our staff, contractors and contributors to know and follow this |
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| -code.** |
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| -**Our contributors and maintainers work extremely hard to build Directus as premium open-source software. Please be |
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| -respectful of those efforts throughout our ecosystem. Trolling, harassing, insulting, or other unacceptable behavior by |
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| -participants will not be tolerated.** |
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| -In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making |
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| -participation in our project and community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, |
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| -disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, |
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| -socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. |
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| -Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: |
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| -- Using welcoming and inclusive language |
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| -- Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences |
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| -- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism |
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| -- Focusing on what is best for the community |
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| -- Showing empathy towards other community members |
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| -**Before continuing, please take a moment to read our full |
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| -[Code of Conduct](https://github.com/directus/directus/blob/main/code_of_conduct.md).** |
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| -## Ways to Contribute |
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| -### Reporting Bugs |
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| -If you happen to run into a bug, please post an Issue on our main GitHub Issue board: |
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| -https://github.com/directus/directus/issues |
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| -Please be as explicit and detailed as you can in the bug report. The more information available, the easier it is for |
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| -other contributors to help you find the solution or fix. Consider adding a schema snapshot file, or a database dump. |
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| -### Leaving Feedback |
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| -If you have a great idea for an improvement of the platform, or any other feedback, please make sure to open a new |
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| -Discussion on our GitHub Discussions board: https://github.com/directus/directus/discussions |
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| -### Document the Project |
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| -The [Directus Docs](https://github.com/directus/docs) are living documents that can always be improved on. Notice any |
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| -parts of the docs in dire need of some tender love and care? Feel free to open a Pull Request! |
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| -### Helping Others |
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| -The Directus community is growing quickly, which also means there's more and more people that have questions. Helping |
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| -out your fellow developers by answering questions on [Discord](https://directus.chat) or |
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| -[GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/directus/directus/discussions/categories/q-a) is a great way to help the |
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| -project. |
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| -### Pull Requests |
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| -Issues marked "Community" are ready to be implemented by anybody at any point! If you're looking to implement an issue |
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| -that doesn't have that label, please make sure to ping the maintainers before getting started! |
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| -#### Contributor License Agreement |
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| -All code contributors are required to sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA). When you start a pull request, a |
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| -GitHub Action will prompt you to review the CLA and sign it by adding your name to contributors.yml |
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| -#### Changesets |
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| -To properly generate changelogs and determine the right version number after a change is merged, we rely on |
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| -[changesets](https://github.com/changesets/changesets). Each PR should include a changeset that describes whether the |
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| -change is a patch/minor/major version bump, and describe what the change is. |
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| -#### Bug Fixes |
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| -We treat Issues on the main repo as actionable items we want to get done. This also means that we welcome PRs for any |
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| -Issue that has been labeled either "Bug", "Improvement", or "New Feature". Labeled issues are bugs or new features that |
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| -have been triaged, accepted, and are ready to be implemented. |
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| -#### Implementing Features |
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| -With the continuous growth of Directus, more and more people are relying on Directus for (critical) data workloads in |
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| -various use cases. This means we need to be careful with any changes that might affect the stability, security, |
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| -performance, or scalability of Directus. For this reason, it's important that any new feature is properly thought |
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| -through and discussed before being implemented. |
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| -Before you start writing code to implement your new feature idea, please read through and understand our triaging |
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| -process for new features before diving in. While we encourage and appreciate every code contribution, please understand |
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| -that we can't merge every suggested code change. |
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| -##### Triaging Process |
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| -Feature Request Discussions that are deemed ready to be implemented with the discussed implementation details are marked |
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| -"Accepted" and converted into an Issue, at which point the feature is ready to be implemented. |
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| -New feature ideas reported directly to issues might be converted into a Discussion for further triaging at |
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| -[the core team](https://github.com/orgs/directus/people)'s discretion first. This is often due to a lack of detail, or |
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| -lack of proven interest. |
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| -Each Pull Request that comes in is required to resolve [an open Issue](https://github.com/directus/directus/issues) that |
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| -is labeled "Bug", "Improvement", or "New Feature". This ensures that any code change made implements a known actionable |
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| -item, be it a feature or otherwise. |
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| -### Reporting Security Vulnerabilities |
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| -If you believe you have discovered a security issue within a Directus product or service, please reach out to us |
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| -directly over email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). We will then open a |
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| -[GitHub Security Advisory](https://github.com/directus/directus/security/advisories) for tracking the fix. |
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| -We value the members of the independent security research community who find security vulnerabilities and work with our |
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| -team so that proper fixes can be issued to users. Our policy is to credit all researchers in the fix's release notes. In |
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| -order to receive credit, security researchers must follow responsible disclosure practices, including: |
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| -- They do not publish the vulnerability prior to the Directus team releasing a fix for it |
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| -- They do not divulge exact details of the issue, e.g., through exploits or proof-of-concepts |
| 3 | +Please see our contributing guidelines on |
| 4 | +[https://docs.directus.io/contributing/introduction](https://docs.directus.io/contributing/introduction) |
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