| 1 | +#!/usr/bin/env python |
| 2 | +# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | +# Stupidly Sipmple FTP Server by D.Sánchez |
| 5 | +# This program is published under the EU-GPL, get your copy at |
| 6 | +# https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/custom-page/attachment/eupl_v1.2_en.pdf |
| 7 | +# Based on the GTK3 Library in pyGObject for python and driven by pyftpdlib by |
| 8 | +# Giampaolo Rodola - https://github.com/giampaolo/pyftpdlib. |
| 9 | +# You may install the dependencies with sudo apt-get install python3-pyftpdlib |
| 10 | + |
| 11 | +import gi, os, threading, logging |
| 12 | +gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') |
| 13 | + |
| 14 | +from gi.repository import Gtk, Gio |
| 15 | +from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer |
| 16 | +from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler |
| 17 | +from pyftpdlib.servers import FTPServer |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | +class FTP_Server: |
| 20 | + """ |
| 21 | + A FTP Server Class to be launched whithin a non blocking thread |
| 22 | + """ |
| 23 | + #Declare version number of the server-class |
| 24 | + cVersion = "1.0" |
| 25 | + |
| 26 | + #Class constructor |
| 27 | + def __init__( self ): |
| 28 | + #Create an atuhorizer... |
| 29 | + self.cAuthorizer = DummyAuthorizer() |
| 30 | + #Create a FTPHandler ( required for FTPServer ) |
| 31 | + self.cHandler = FTPHandler |
| 32 | + #Create a FTPAuthorizer ( required for FTPServer ) |
| 33 | + self.cHandler.authorizer = self.cAuthorizer |
| 34 | + #Establish a default banner ( optional ) |
| 35 | + self.cHandler.banner = "ssftps server v" + self.cVersion + " ready." |
| 36 | + |
| 37 | + def run( self ): |
| 38 | + #Is the user list empty? |
| 39 | + if not myConfig.USERS: |
| 40 | + #YES - Activate the anonymous login |
| 41 | + self.cAuthorizer.add_anonymous( os.getcwd() ) |
| 42 | + else: |
| 43 | + #NO - Iterate over userlist |
| 44 | + for tmpUser in myConfig.USERS: |
| 45 | + self.cAuthorizer.add_user( tmpUser['user'], tmpUser['pass'], tmpUser['path'] ) |
| 46 | + #Instantiate FTPServer |
| 47 | + self.cServer = FTPServer( ( myConfig.IPV4, myConfig.PORT ) , self.cHandler ) |
| 48 | + #Run the server |
| 49 | + self.cServer.serve_forever() |
| 50 | + |
| 51 | + def stop( self ): |
| 52 | + #Stop the server |
| 53 | + self.cServer.close_all() |
| 54 | + |
| 55 | + def add_user( self, tmpUser,tmpPasswd, tmpPath, tmpPrivileges='elradfmwMT' ): |
| 56 | + #Add a user with all read write priveleges, unless otherwise specified |
| 57 | + self.authorizer.add_user( str( tmpUser ), str( tmpPasswd ), str( tmpPath ), perm=str( tmpPrivileges ) ) |
| 58 | +""" |
| 59 | + Extract from API documentation (for quick reference) |
| 60 | +
| 61 | + Read permissions: |
| 62 | + "e" = change directory (CWD, CDUP commands) |
| 63 | + "l" = list files (LIST, NLST, STAT, MLSD, MLST, SIZE commands) |
| 64 | + "r" = retrieve file from the server (RETR command) |
| 65 | +
| 66 | + Write permissions: |
| 67 | + "a" = append data to an existing file (APPE command) |
| 68 | + "d" = delete file or directory (DELE, RMD commands) |
| 69 | + "f" = rename file or directory (RNFR, RNTO commands) |
| 70 | + "m" = create directory (MKD command) |
| 71 | + "w" = store a file to the server (STOR, STOU commands) |
| 72 | + "M" = change file mode / permission (SITE CHMOD command) New in 0.7.0 |
| 73 | + "T" = change file modification time (SITE MFMT command) New in 1.5.3 |
| 74 | +""" |
| 75 | + |
| 76 | +class MainWindow(Gtk.Window): |
| 77 | + """ |
| 78 | + This class defines the main window of the application |
| 79 | + """ |
| 80 | + def __init__(self): |
| 81 | + #Configure Main Window |
| 82 | + Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="ssftps") |
| 83 | + self.set_border_width( 5 ) |
| 84 | + self.set_default_size( 600, 400 ) |
| 85 | + #Configure a Headerbar |
| 86 | + cHeaderBar = Gtk.HeaderBar() |
| 87 | + cHeaderBar.set_show_close_button(True) |
| 88 | + cHeaderBar.props.title = "Stupidly Simple FTP Server v" + FTP_Server.cVersion |
| 89 | + self.set_titlebar(cHeaderBar) |
| 90 | + #Button for Headerbar |
| 91 | + myConfigButton = Gtk.Button() |
| 92 | + myConfigButton.props.relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE |
| 93 | + myConfigButton.add( Gtk.Image.new_from_gicon( Gio.ThemedIcon( name="emblem-system-symbolic" ), Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON ) ) |
| 94 | + myConfigButton.connect( "clicked", self.configButtonClicked ) |
| 95 | + #Create a switch for the headerbar |
| 96 | + onoffSwitch = Gtk.Switch() |
| 97 | + onoffSwitch.props.valign = Gtk.Align.CENTER |
| 98 | + onoffSwitch.connect( "state-set", self.onoffSwitchChanged ) |
| 99 | + #Pack everything |
| 100 | + cHeaderBar.pack_end( onoffSwitch ) |
| 101 | + cHeaderBar.pack_end( myConfigButton ) |
| 102 | + #Create a scrollable container for the TextView |
| 103 | + myScroller = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() |
| 104 | + myScroller.set_border_width( 2 ) |
| 105 | + myScroller.set_policy( Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC ) |
| 106 | + #Create a Textview |
| 107 | + myTextView = Gtk.TextView() |
| 108 | + myTextView.set_editable( False ) |
| 109 | + #Declare a class level TextBuffer to log to. |
| 110 | + self.myTextBuffer = myTextView.get_buffer() |
| 111 | + #Put it all into our scrollable container |
| 112 | + myScroller.add( myTextView ) |
| 113 | + self.add( myScroller ) |
| 114 | + #Create all entry boxes for the port, username, password and directory |
| 115 | + self.cEntryPORT = Gtk.Entry() |
| 116 | + self.cEntryPORT.set_text( myConfig.PORT ) |
| 117 | + self.cEntryUSER = Gtk.Entry() |
| 118 | + self.cEntryUSER.set_text( 'anonymous' ) |
| 119 | + self.cEntryPASS = Gtk.Entry() |
| 120 | + self.cEntryPASS.set_text( '' ) |
| 121 | + self.cEntryPASS.set_visibility( False ) #This will make it a password input |
| 122 | + self.cEntryPATH = Gtk.Entry() |
| 123 | + self.cEntryPATH.set_text( '.' ) |
| 124 | + self.cEntryPATH.set_editable( False ) #We only want to permit walid paths, so we just make it non-editable |
| 125 | + self.cEntryPATH.set_icon_from_icon_name(Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, "folder"); |
| 126 | + self.cEntryPATH.connect( "icon-press", self.openFileDialogFromPopover ) |
| 127 | + #Create a Popover |
| 128 | + self.cPopover = Gtk.Popover() |
| 129 | + self.cPopover.set_border_width( 10 ) |
| 130 | + #Put all element inside a Box |
| 131 | + verticalBox = Gtk.Box( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL ) |
| 132 | + verticalBox.pack_start( Gtk.Label("Port"), False, True, 3 ) |
| 133 | + verticalBox.pack_start( self.cEntryPORT, False, True, 3 ) |
| 134 | + verticalBox.pack_start( Gtk.Label("Username"), False, True, 3 ) |
| 135 | + verticalBox.pack_start( self.cEntryUSER, False, True, 10 ) |
| 136 | + verticalBox.pack_start( Gtk.Label("Password"), False, True, 3 ) |
| 137 | + verticalBox.pack_start( self.cEntryPASS, False, True, 3 ) |
| 138 | + verticalBox.pack_start( Gtk.Label("Path"), False, True, 3 ) |
| 139 | + verticalBox.pack_start( self.cEntryPATH, False, True, 3 ) |
| 140 | + #Pack the boxk into out Popover |
| 141 | + self.cPopover.add( verticalBox ) |
| 142 | + self.cPopover.connect( "closed", self.popoverClosed ) |
| 143 | + self.cPopover.set_position(Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM) |
| 144 | + |
| 145 | + def openFileDialogFromPopover( self, widget, icon_pos, event ): |
| 146 | + #Define the dialog to be opened |
| 147 | + myFileDialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Select a root directory for the FTP server", |
| 148 | + self, |
| 149 | + Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER, |
| 150 | + (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, |
| 151 | + Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) |
| 152 | + #Launch the dialog and capture it's output |
| 153 | + tmpResponse = myFileDialog.run() |
| 154 | + #Did the user accept the dialog? |
| 155 | + if tmpResponse == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: |
| 156 | + #YES - Write it to the entry box |
| 157 | + self.cEntryPATH.set_text( str( myFileDialog.get_filename() ) ) |
| 158 | + #Destroy the dialog |
| 159 | + myFileDialog.destroy() |
| 160 | + |
| 161 | + def popoverClosed( self, widget ): |
| 162 | + #When the popover closes, all values are stored into the config |
| 163 | + #Has the username been changed? |
| 164 | + if self.cEntryUSER.get_text() != 'anonymous': |
| 165 | + #YES - Add the new user to the USERS list |
| 166 | + myConfig.USERS.append( {'user': self.cEntryUSER.get_text() , 'pass': self.cEntryPASS.get_text(), 'path': self.cEntryPATH.get_text()} ) |
| 167 | + #Has the port value been changed? |
| 168 | + if self.cEntryPORT.get_text()!=myConfig.PORT: |
| 169 | + #YES - Save the new port (no error checking is done here) |
| 170 | + myConfig.PORT = self.cEntryPORT.get_text() |
| 171 | + |
| 172 | + def logToTextBuffer( self, tmpMessage ): |
| 173 | + #Insert the logged text into the local textbuffer |
| 174 | + self.myTextBuffer.insert_at_cursor( tmpMessage+"\n" ) |
| 175 | + |
| 176 | + def configButtonClicked( self, widget ): |
| 177 | + #Position the popover |
| 178 | + self.cPopover.set_relative_to( widget ) |
| 179 | + #Show it... |
| 180 | + self.cPopover.show_all() |
| 181 | + self.cPopover.popup() |
| 182 | + |
| 183 | + def onoffSwitchChanged( self, widget, state ): |
| 184 | + #Is the server to be switchen on? |
| 185 | + if state==True: |
| 186 | + #YES - Instantiate the server |
| 187 | + self.cServer = FTP_Server() |
| 188 | + #Put it into a thread and configure it... |
| 189 | + self.cThread = threading.Thread( target=self.cServer.run ) |
| 190 | + #... as a daemon |
| 191 | + self.cThread.daemon = True |
| 192 | + #Start the server-thread |
| 193 | + self.cThread.start() |
| 194 | + else: |
| 195 | + #NO - Inrom the user that we are stopping the server |
| 196 | + self.myTextBuffer.insert_at_cursor( ">>> stopping FTP server on "+myConfig.IPV4+":"+myConfig.PORT+" <<<\n" ) |
| 197 | + #Stop it! |
| 198 | + self.cServer.stop() |
| 199 | + |
| 200 | +class LogHandler(logging.Handler): |
| 201 | + """ |
| 202 | + This is a redefined class from logging.Handler with the emit method redefined. |
| 203 | + """ |
| 204 | + def __init__(self, tmpTextBuffer ): |
| 205 | + #Initialize the superclass |
| 206 | + super(LogHandler, self).__init__() |
| 207 | + #Capture the TextBuffer |
| 208 | + self.cTextBuffer = tmpTextBuffer |
| 209 | + |
| 210 | + def emit( self, tmpMessage ): |
| 211 | + #Store the formattet message |
| 212 | + tmpMessage = self.format( tmpMessage ) |
| 213 | + #Send the log message to the textbuffer |
| 214 | + self.cTextBuffer.insert_at_cursor( tmpMessage + "\n" ) |
| 215 | + |
| 216 | +class ServerConfiguration(): |
| 217 | + """ |
| 218 | + This class holds the server configuration |
| 219 | + """ |
| 220 | + def __init__(self): |
| 221 | + #This reads the private IP address from all interfaces and chooses the first one (this should work in most cases) |
| 222 | + self.IPV4 = os.popen('hostname --all-ip-addresses | cut -d " " -f1').read().rstrip("\n\r") |
| 223 | + #We define a default port which is available to the user (port 21 can't be listened on by the unprivileged user) |
| 224 | + self.PORT = "2121" |
| 225 | + #Default loglevel. Please be aware that for some reason a higher loglevel than this will result in a segfault) |
| 226 | + self.LOGLEVEL = logging.INFO |
| 227 | + #Although only one user van be defined through the interface, you may add more "default users here" |
| 228 | + #This is a list containing a disctionary with the following items: {'user':'','pass':'','path':} |
| 229 | + self.USERS = [] |
| 230 | + |
| 231 | + |
| 232 | +#Declare the configuration container as a global variable (not elegant, but the only way I found) |
| 233 | +global myConfig |
| 234 | + |
| 235 | +#Create configuration Class |
| 236 | +myConfig = ServerConfiguration() |
| 237 | + |
| 238 | +#Create Main Window |
| 239 | +myWindow = MainWindow() |
| 240 | + |
| 241 | +#Connect the destroy signal to the main loop quit function |
| 242 | +myWindow.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit) |
| 243 | + |
| 244 | +#Print the welcome message |
| 245 | +myWindow.myTextBuffer.set_text( "================\n" + " ssftp Version " + FTP_Server.cVersion + "\n================\nWritten by D.Sanchez and published under the EU-GPL\n" ) |
| 246 | + |
| 247 | +#Configure log level |
| 248 | +logging.basicConfig(level=myConfig.LOGLEVEL) |
| 249 | + |
| 250 | +#Show Windows on screen |
| 251 | +myWindow.show_all() |
| 252 | + |
| 253 | +#Create a handler to control the log-message output |
| 254 | +myHandler = LogHandler( myWindow.myTextBuffer ) |
| 255 | + |
| 256 | +#Link the handler to default logger |
| 257 | +logging.getLogger('pyftpdlib').addHandler(myHandler) |
| 258 | + |
| 259 | +#Main Loop |
| 260 | +Gtk.main() |
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