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Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up and run the Dynamic Layer React Native project.


  1. Visual Studio Code

    • Download and install the latest version of Visual Studio Code
    • Recommended extensions:
      • React Native Tools
      • ESLint
      • Prettier
  2. Node.js

    • Install the latest LTS version of Node.js
    • Verify installation by running:
      node --version
      npm --version
  3. Git

    • Install Git for version control
    • Verify installation:
      git --version


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd dynamic-layer-react-native
  2. Install Dependencies Using npm:

    npm install

    Or using yarn:

    yarn install

Running the Project

  1. Start the Development Server Using npm:

    npm start

    Or using yarn:

    yarn start
  2. Running on Different Platforms

    • Press a to run on Android emulator/device
    • Press i to run on iOS simulator (macOS only)
    • Press w to run in web browser

Additional Information

  • The development server will start at http://localhost:19002
  • Use the Expo Go app on your mobile device to test the app by scanning the QR code
  • Make sure your development machine and mobile device are on the same network


If you encounter any issues:

  1. Clear the Metro bundler cache:

    npm start --reset-cache
  2. Make sure all dependencies are properly installed:

    rm -rf node_modules
    npm install
  3. Verify that your development environment is properly set up according to the prerequisites

Usage Guide

Project Structure

The project follows a modular architecture with the following structure:

├── animations/      # Custom animation components
├── components/      # Reusable UI components
├── config/          # Configuration files
├── navigation/      # Navigation setup
├── screens/         # Application screens
└── style.js         # Global styles


Located in src/components/, the app includes several reusable components:

Common Components

  • CustomButton.js
  • CustomButtonDock.js
  • CustomButtonIcon.js
  • CustomCard.js
  • CustomInput.js
  • NotificationBadge.js

Navigation Components

  • CustomTabNavigator.js - Custom bottom tab navigation
  • CustomTopNavigation.js - Custom top navigation bar


The app's navigation is managed through src/navigation/AppNavigator.js, which sets up the routing structure. It utilizes React Navigation for seamless screen transitions.


The application screens are organized in src/screens/ with two main directories:

  • Main/ - Primary application screens
  • PreviewScreens/ - Preview and demonstration screens


The assets/ directory contains:

  • Icons (organized by category in icons/)
  • Images and placeholder content
  • SVG components in icons/svg_js/


You can customize the app's appearance and behavior through:

  • Global styles in src/style.js

Example Usage

Adding New Screens

Option 1: Adding a Tab Screen

To add a new screen as a tab in the bottom navigation:

  1. Create your screen component in src/screens/Main/:

    // src/screens/Main/NewScreen.js
    import React from "react";
    import { View, Text } from "react-native";
    import { CustomButton } from "../../components/common/CustomButton";
    export const NewScreen = () => {
      return (
          <Text>New Screen</Text>
          <CustomButton text="Click Me" onPress={() => {}} />
  2. Add the screen to the tab configuration in src/navigation/AppNavigator.js:

    import HomeScreen from "../screens/Main/HomeScreen";
    import ProfileScreen from "../screens/Main/ProfileScreen";
    import ButtonScreen from "../screens/PreviewScreens/buttonScreen";
    const tabScreens = [
      { name: "Home", component: HomeScreen, icon: HomeIcon, notifications: 0 },
      { name: "Templates", component: ProfileScreen, icon: TemplatesIcon, notifications: 5 },
      { name: "NewTab", component: NewScreen, icon: YourIcon, notifications: 0 },
    function MainTabScreen() {
      return <CustomTabNavigator type="md" screens={tabScreens} />;

Option 2: Adding a Default Screen

  1. Create your screen component in src/screens/Main/ or src/screens/PreviewScreens/:

    import React from "react";
    import { View, Text } from "react-native";
    import { CustomButton } from "../../components/common/CustomButton";
    export const NewScreen = () => {
      return (
          <Text>New Screen</Text>
          <CustomButton text="Click Me" onPress={() => {}} />
  2. Add the screen to the MainStack navigator in src/navigation/AppNavigator.js:

    <MainStack.Navigator screenOptions={defaultScreenOptions}>
      <MainStack.Screen name="MainTabs" component={MainTabScreen} options={{ headerShown: false }} />
      <MainStack.Screen name="NewScreen" component={NewScreen} options={{ title: "New Screen" }} />
  3. Using Navigation:

    import { useNavigation } from "@react-navigation/native";
    const MyComponent = () => {
      const navigation = useNavigation();
      return (
        <CustomButton title="Go to Screen" onPress={() => navigation.navigate("ScreenName")} />