A Communicationreference Object
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
PkiCommunicationreferenceID | long | The unique ID of the Communicationreference | [optional] |
FkiBuyercontractID | int | The unique ID of the Buyercontract | [optional] |
FkiEzsignfolderID | int | The unique ID of the Ezsignfolder | [optional] |
FkiInscriptionID | int | The unique ID of the Inscription. | [optional] |
FkiInscriptiontempID | int | The unique ID of the Inscriptiontemp | [optional] |
FkiInvoiceID | int | The unique ID of the Invoice. | [optional] |
FkiOtherincomeID | int | The unique ID of the Otherincome | [optional] |
FkiElectronicfundstransferID | int | The unique ID of the Electronicfundstransfer | [optional] |
FkiRejectedoffertopurchaseID | int | The unique ID of the Rejectedoffertopurchase | [optional] |