A Customer Object
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
PkiCustomerID | int | The unique ID of the Customer. | [optional] |
FkiCompanyID | int | The unique ID of the Company | |
FkiCustomergroupID | int | The unique ID of the Customergroup | |
SCustomerName | string | The name of the Customer | |
FkiContactinformationsID | int | The unique ID of the Contactinformations | |
FkiContactcontainerID | int | The unique ID of the Contactcontainer | |
FkiImageID | int | The unique ID of the Image | |
FkiGlaccountcontainerID | int | The unique ID of the Glaccountcontainer | |
FkiLanguageID | int | The unique ID of the Language. Valid values: | Value |
FkiDepartmentID | int | The unique ID of the Department | |
FkiPaymentmethodID | int | The unique ID of the Paymentmethod | |
FkiElectronicfundstransferbankaccountID | int | The unique ID of the Electronicfundstransferbankaccount | |
FkiElectronicfundstransferbankaccountIDDirectdebit | int | The unique ID of the Electronicfundstransferbankaccount | |
FkiSendingmethodID | int | The unique ID of the Sendingmethod | |
FkiTaxassignmentID | int | The unique ID of the Taxassignment. Valid values: | Value |
FkiAttendancestatusID | int | The unique ID of the Attendancestatus | |
FkiAgentIDVariableexpensechargeto | int | The unique ID of the Agent. | |
FkiBrokerIDVariableexpensechargeto | int | The unique ID of the Broker. | |
FkiCustomerIDVariableexpensechargeto | int | The unique ID of the Customer. | |
FkiGlaccountcontainerIDVariableexpensechargeto | int | The unique ID of the Glaccountcontainer | |
FkiAgentIDSupplychargechargeto | int | The unique ID of the Agent. | |
FkiBrokerIDSupplychargechargeto | int | The unique ID of the Broker. | |
FkiCustomerIDSupplychargechargeto | int | The unique ID of the Customer. | |
FkiGlaccountcontainerIDSupplychargechargeto | int | The unique ID of the Glaccountcontainer | |
FkiInvoicealternatelogoID | int | The unique ID of the Invoicealternatelogo | |
FkiSynchronizationlinkserverID | int | The unique ID of the Synchronizationlinkserver | |
EfkiUserID | int | The unique ID of the User | [optional] |
EfksCustomerCode | string | The code of the Customer | [optional] |
SCustomerCode | string | The code of the Customer | |
DCustomerFulltimeequivalent | string | The fulltimeequivalent of the Customer | |
ICustomerPhotocopiercode | int | The photocopiercode of the Customer | |
ICustomerLongdistancecode | int | The longdistancecode of the Customer | |
ICustomerTimewindowstart | int | The timewindowstart of the Customer | |
ICustomerTimewindowend | int | The timewindowend of the Customer | |
DCustomerMinimumchargeableinterests | string | The minimumchargeableinterests of the Customer | |
DtCustomerBirthdate | string | The birthdate of the Customer | |
DtCustomerTransfer | string | The transfer of the Customer | |
DtCustomerTransferappointment | string | The transferappointment of the Customer | |
DtCustomerTransfersurvey | string | The transfersurvey of the Customer | |
BCustomerIsactive | bool | Whether the customer is active or not | |
BCustomerVariableexpensefinanced | bool | Whether if it's an variableexpensefinanced | |
BCustomerVariableexpensefinancedtaxes | bool | Whether if it's an variableexpensefinancedtaxes | |
BCustomerSupplychargefinanced | bool | Whether if it's an supplychargefinanced | |
BCustomerSupplychargefinancedtaxes | bool | Whether if it's an supplychargefinancedtaxes | |
BCustomerAttendance | bool | Whether if it's an attendance | |
ECustomerType | FieldECustomerType | ||
ECustomerMarketingcorrespondence | FieldECustomerMarketingcorrespondence | ||
BCustomerBlackcopycarbon | bool | Whether if it's an blackcopycarbon | |
BCustomerUnsubscribeinfo | bool | Whether if it's an unsubscribeinfo | |
TCustomerComment | string | The comment of the Customer | |
IMPORTID | string | [optional] |