A Ezsignfoldertype Object and children
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
PkiEzsignfoldertypeID | int | The unique ID of the Ezsignfoldertype. | [optional] |
ObjEzsignfoldertypeName | MultilingualEzsignfoldertypeName | ||
FkiBrandingID | int | The unique ID of the Branding | |
FkiBillingentityinternalID | int | The unique ID of the Billingentityinternal. | [optional] |
FkiEzsigntsarequirementID | int | The unique ID of the Ezsigntsarequirement. Determine if a Time Stamping Authority should add a timestamp on each of the signature. Valid values: | Value |
FkiFontIDAnnotation | int | The unique ID of the Font | [optional] |
FkiFontIDFormfield | int | The unique ID of the Font | [optional] |
FkiFontIDSignature | int | The unique ID of the Font | [optional] |
FkiPdfalevelIDConvert | int | The unique ID of the Pdfalevel | [optional] |
AFkiPdfalevelID | List<int> | [optional] | |
AFkiUserlogintypeID | List<int> | ||
AFkiUsergroupIDAll | List<int> | [optional] | |
AFkiUsergroupIDRestricted | List<int> | [optional] | |
AFkiUsergroupIDTemplate | List<int> | [optional] | |
EEzsignfoldertypeDocumentdependency | FieldEEzsignfoldertypeDocumentdependency | [optional] | |
SEmailAddressSigned | string | The email address. | [optional] |
SEmailAddressSummary | string | The email address. | [optional] |
EEzsignfoldertypePdfarequirement | FieldEEzsignfoldertypePdfarequirement | [optional] | |
EEzsignfoldertypePdfanoncompliantaction | FieldEEzsignfoldertypePdfanoncompliantaction | [optional] | |
EEzsignfoldertypePrivacylevel | FieldEEzsignfoldertypePrivacylevel | ||
IEzsignfoldertypeFontsizeannotation | int | Font size for annotations | [optional] |
IEzsignfoldertypeFontsizeformfield | int | Font size for form fields | [optional] |
IEzsignfoldertypeSendreminderfirstdays | int | The number of days before the the first reminder sending | [optional] |
IEzsignfoldertypeSendreminderotherdays | int | The number of days after the first reminder sending | [optional] |
IEzsignfoldertypeArchivaldays | int | The number of days before the archival of Ezsignfolders created using this Ezsignfoldertype | |
EEzsignfoldertypeDisposal | FieldEEzsignfoldertypeDisposal | ||
EEzsignfoldertypeCompletion | FieldEEzsignfoldertypeCompletion | ||
IEzsignfoldertypeDisposaldays | int | The number of days after the archival before the disposal of the Ezsignfolder | [optional] |
IEzsignfoldertypeDeadlinedays | int | The number of days to get all Ezsignsignatures | |
BEzsignfoldertypePrematurelyendautomatically | bool | Wheter if document will be ended prematurely after Ezsignfolder expires. | [optional] |
IEzsignfoldertypePrematurelyendautomaticallydays | int | Number of days between Ezsignfolder expiration and automatic prematurely end of Ezsigndocuments. | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeAutomaticsignature | bool | Whether we allow the automatic signature by an User | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeDelegate | bool | Wheter if delegation of signature is allowed to another user or not | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeDiscussion | bool | Wheter if creating a new Discussion is allowed or not | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeLogrecipientinproof | bool | Whether we log recipient of signed document in proof | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeReassignezsignsigner | bool | Wheter if Reassignment of signature is allowed by a signatory to another signatory or not | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeReassignuser | bool | Wheter if Reassignment of signature is allowed by a user to a signatory or another user or not | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeReassigngroup | bool | Wheter if Reassignment of signatures of the groups to which the user belongs is authorized by a user to himself | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtoezsignsigner | bool | Whether we send an email to Ezsignsigner when document is completed | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtouser | bool | Whether we send an email to User who signed when document is completed | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendattachmentezsignsigner | bool | Whether we send the Ezsigndocument in the email to Ezsignsigner | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendproofezsignsigner | bool | Whether we send the proof in the email to Ezsignsigner | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendattachmentuser | bool | Whether we send the Ezsigndocument in the email to User | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendproofuser | bool | Whether we send the proof in the email to User | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendproofemail | bool | Whether we send the proof in the email to external recipient | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeAllowdownloadattachmentezsignsigner | bool | Whether we allow the Ezsigndocument to be downloaded by an Ezsignsigner | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeAllowdownloadproofezsignsigner | bool | Whether we allow the proof to be downloaded by an Ezsignsigner | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendproofreceivealldocument | bool | Whether we send the proof to user and Ezsignsigner who receive all documents. | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtodocumentowner | bool | Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Ezsigndocument's owner | |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtofolderowner | bool | Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Ezsignfolder's owner | |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtofullgroup | bool | Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Usergroup that has acces to all Ezsignfolders | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtolimitedgroup | bool | THIS FIELD WILL BE DELETED. Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Usergroup that has acces to only their own Ezsignfolders | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtocolleague | bool | Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the colleagues | |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsummarytodocumentowner | bool | Whether we send the summary to the Ezsigndocument's owner | |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsummarytofolderowner | bool | Whether we send the summary to the Ezsignfolder's owner | |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsummarytofullgroup | bool | Whether we send the summary to the Usergroup that has acces to all Ezsignfolders | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsummarytolimitedgroup | bool | Whether we send the summary to the Usergroup that has acces to only their own Ezsignfolders | [optional] |
BEzsignfoldertypeSendsummarytocolleague | bool | Whether we send the summary to the colleagues | |
EEzsignfoldertypeSigneraccess | FieldEEzsignfoldertypeSigneraccess | [optional] | |
BEzsignfoldertypeIsactive | bool | Whether the Ezsignfoldertype is active or not | |
AFkiUserIDSigned | List<int> | [optional] | |
AFkiUserIDSummary | List<int> | [optional] |