A Colleague Object
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pkiColleagueID | Integer | The unique ID of the Colleague | |
fkiUserID | Integer | The unique ID of the User | |
fkiUserIDColleague | Integer | The unique ID of the User | |
bColleagueEzsignemail | Boolean | Whether the email can be used by the cloning user in Ezsign | |
bColleagueFinancial | Boolean | Whether the cloning user has access to the financial | |
bColleagueUsecloneemail | Boolean | Whether the cloning user has access to the cloned user email to send communications | |
bColleagueAttachment | Boolean | Whether the cloning user has access to the attachment | |
bColleagueCanafe | Boolean | Whether the cloning user has access to canafe | |
bColleaguePermission | Boolean | Whether the cloning user copies the permission of the cloned user | |
bColleagueRealestatecompleted | Boolean | Whether if the cloning user has access to the completed folders in real estate | |
dtColleagueFrom | String | The from of the Colleague | [optional] |
dtColleagueTo | String | The to of the Colleague | [optional] |
eColleagueEzsign | FieldEColleagueEzsign | ||
eColleagueRealestateinprogress | FieldEColleagueRealestateinprogess | ||
objUserName | CustomUserNameResponse | ||
objAudit | CommonAudit |