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A Ezsignfoldertype Object


Name Type Description Notes
pkiEzsignfoldertypeID Integer The unique ID of the Ezsignfoldertype.
objEzsignfoldertypeName MultilingualEzsignfoldertypeName
fkiBrandingID Integer The unique ID of the Branding
fkiBillingentityinternalID Integer The unique ID of the Billingentityinternal. [optional]
fkiUsergroupID Integer The unique ID of the Usergroup [optional]
fkiUsergroupIDRestricted Integer The unique ID of the Usergroup [optional]
fkiEzsigntsarequirementID Integer The unique ID of the Ezsigntsarequirement. Determine if a Time Stamping Authority should add a timestamp on each of the signature. Valid values: Value
sBrandingDescriptionX String The Description of the Branding in the language of the requester
sBillingentityinternalDescriptionX String The description of the Billingentityinternal in the language of the requester [optional]
sEzsigntsarequirementDescriptionX String The description of the Ezsigntsarequirement in the language of the requester [optional]
sEmailAddressSigned String The email address. [optional]
sEmailAddressSummary String The email address. [optional]
sUsergroupNameX String The Name of the Usergroup in the language of the requester [optional]
sUsergroupNameXRestricted String The Name of the Usergroup in the language of the requester [optional]
eEzsignfoldertypePrivacylevel FieldEEzsignfoldertypePrivacylevel
eEzsignfoldertypeSendreminderfrequency FieldEEzsignfoldertypeSendreminderfrequency [optional]
iEzsignfoldertypeArchivaldays Integer The number of days before the archival of Ezsignfolders created using this Ezsignfoldertype
eEzsignfoldertypeDisposal FieldEEzsignfoldertypeDisposal
eEzsignfoldertypeCompletion FieldEEzsignfoldertypeCompletion
iEzsignfoldertypeDisposaldays Integer The number of days after the archival before the disposal of the Ezsignfolder [optional]
iEzsignfoldertypeDeadlinedays Integer The number of days to get all Ezsignsignatures
bEzsignfoldertypeAutomaticsignature Boolean Whether we allow the automatic signature by an User [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeDelegate Boolean Wheter if delegation of signature is allowed to another user or not [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeDiscussion Boolean Wheter if creating a new Discussion is allowed or not [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeReassignezsignsigner Boolean Wheter if Reassignment of signature is allowed by a signatory to another signatory or not [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeReassignuser Boolean Wheter if Reassignment of signature is allowed by a user to a signatory or another user or not [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeReassigngroup Boolean Wheter if Reassignment of signatures of the groups to which the user belongs is authorized by a user to himself [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtoezsignsigner Boolean Whether we send an email to Ezsignsigner when document is completed [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtouser Boolean Whether we send an email to User who signed when document is completed [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendattachmentezsignsigner Boolean Whether we send the Ezsigndocument in the email to Ezsignsigner [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendproofezsignsigner Boolean Whether we send the proof in the email to Ezsignsigner [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendattachmentuser Boolean Whether we send the Ezsigndocument in the email to User [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendproofuser Boolean Whether we send the proof in the email to User [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendproofemail Boolean Whether we send the proof in the email to external recipient [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeAllowdownloadattachmentezsignsigner Boolean Whether we allow the Ezsigndocument to be downloaded by an Ezsignsigner [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeAllowdownloadproofezsignsigner Boolean Whether we allow the proof to be downloaded by an Ezsignsigner [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendproofreceivealldocument Boolean Whether we send the proof to user and Ezsignsigner who receive all documents. [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtodocumentowner Boolean Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Ezsigndocument's owner
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtofolderowner Boolean Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Ezsignfolder's owner
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtofullgroup Boolean Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Usergroup that has acces to all Ezsignfolders [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtolimitedgroup Boolean THIS FIELD WILL BE DELETED. Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Usergroup that has acces to only their own Ezsignfolders [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsignedtocolleague Boolean Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the colleagues
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsummarytodocumentowner Boolean Whether we send the summary to the Ezsigndocument's owner
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsummarytofolderowner Boolean Whether we send the summary to the Ezsignfolder's owner
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsummarytofullgroup Boolean Whether we send the summary to the Usergroup that has acces to all Ezsignfolders [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsummarytolimitedgroup Boolean Whether we send the summary to the Usergroup that has acces to only their own Ezsignfolders [optional]
bEzsignfoldertypeSendsummarytocolleague Boolean Whether we send the summary to the colleagues
bEzsignfoldertypeIsactive Boolean Whether the Ezsignfoldertype is active or not
aObjUserlogintype List<UserlogintypeResponse>