A Systemconfiguration Object
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pkiSystemconfigurationID | Integer | The unique ID of the Systemconfiguration | |
fkiSystemconfigurationtypeID | Integer | The unique ID of the Systemconfigurationtype | |
fkiBrandingID | Integer | The unique ID of the Branding | [optional] |
sSystemconfigurationtypeDescriptionX | String | The description of the Systemconfigurationtype in the language of the requester | |
eSystemconfigurationNewexternaluseraction | FieldESystemconfigurationNewexternaluseraction | ||
eSystemconfigurationLanguage1 | FieldESystemconfigurationLanguage1 | ||
eSystemconfigurationLanguage2 | FieldESystemconfigurationLanguage2 | ||
eSystemconfigurationEzsign | FieldESystemconfigurationEzsign | [optional] | |
eSystemconfigurationEzsignofficeplan | FieldESystemconfigurationEzsignofficeplan | [optional] | |
bSystemconfigurationEzsignpaidbyoffice | Boolean | Whether if Ezsign is paid by the company or not | [optional] |
bSystemconfigurationEzsignpersonnal | Boolean | Whether if we allow the creation of personal files in eZsign | |
bSystemconfigurationHascreditcardmerchant | Boolean | Whether there is a creditcard merchant configured or not | [optional] |
bSystemconfigurationIsdisposalactive | Boolean | Whether is Disposal processus is active or not | [optional] |
bSystemconfigurationSspr | Boolean | Whether if we allow SSPR | |
dtSystemconfigurationReadonlyexpirationstart | String | The start date where the system will be in read only | [optional] |
dtSystemconfigurationReadonlyexpirationend | String | The end date where the system will be in read only | [optional] |
objBranding | CustomBrandingResponse | [optional] |