pki_ezsignfoldertype_id |
int |
The unique ID of the Ezsignfoldertype. |
obj_ezsignfoldertype_name |
MultilingualEzsignfoldertypeName |
fki_branding_id |
int |
The unique ID of the Branding |
fki_billingentityinternal_id |
int |
The unique ID of the Billingentityinternal. |
[optional] |
fki_usergroup_id |
int |
The unique ID of the Usergroup |
[optional] |
fki_usergroup_id_restricted |
int |
The unique ID of the Usergroup |
[optional] |
fki_ezsigntsarequirement_id |
int |
The unique ID of the Ezsigntsarequirement. Determine if a Time Stamping Authority should add a timestamp on each of the signature. Valid values: |
Value |
s_branding_description_x |
string |
The Description of the Branding in the language of the requester |
s_billingentityinternal_description_x |
string |
The description of the Billingentityinternal in the language of the requester |
[optional] |
s_ezsigntsarequirement_description_x |
string |
The description of the Ezsigntsarequirement in the language of the requester |
[optional] |
s_email_address_signed |
string |
The email address. |
[optional] |
s_email_address_summary |
string |
The email address. |
[optional] |
s_usergroup_name_x |
string |
The Name of the Usergroup in the language of the requester |
[optional] |
s_usergroup_name_x_restricted |
string |
The Name of the Usergroup in the language of the requester |
[optional] |
e_ezsignfoldertype_privacylevel |
FieldEEzsignfoldertypePrivacylevel |
e_ezsignfoldertype_sendreminderfrequency |
FieldEEzsignfoldertypeSendreminderfrequency |
[optional] |
i_ezsignfoldertype_archivaldays |
int |
The number of days before the archival of Ezsignfolders created using this Ezsignfoldertype |
e_ezsignfoldertype_disposal |
FieldEEzsignfoldertypeDisposal |
e_ezsignfoldertype_completion |
FieldEEzsignfoldertypeCompletion |
i_ezsignfoldertype_disposaldays |
int |
The number of days after the archival before the disposal of the Ezsignfolder |
[optional] |
i_ezsignfoldertype_deadlinedays |
int |
The number of days to get all Ezsignsignatures |
b_ezsignfoldertype_automaticsignature |
boolean |
Whether we allow the automatic signature by an User |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_delegate |
boolean |
Wheter if delegation of signature is allowed to another user or not |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_discussion |
boolean |
Wheter if creating a new Discussion is allowed or not |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_reassignezsignsigner |
boolean |
Wheter if Reassignment of signature is allowed by a signatory to another signatory or not |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_reassignuser |
boolean |
Wheter if Reassignment of signature is allowed by a user to a signatory or another user or not |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_reassigngroup |
boolean |
Wheter if Reassignment of signatures of the groups to which the user belongs is authorized by a user to himself |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsignedtoezsignsigner |
boolean |
Whether we send an email to Ezsignsigner when document is completed |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsignedtouser |
boolean |
Whether we send an email to User who signed when document is completed |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendattachmentezsignsigner |
boolean |
Whether we send the Ezsigndocument in the email to Ezsignsigner |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendproofezsignsigner |
boolean |
Whether we send the proof in the email to Ezsignsigner |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendattachmentuser |
boolean |
Whether we send the Ezsigndocument in the email to User |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendproofuser |
boolean |
Whether we send the proof in the email to User |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendproofemail |
boolean |
Whether we send the proof in the email to external recipient |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_allowdownloadattachmentezsignsigner |
boolean |
Whether we allow the Ezsigndocument to be downloaded by an Ezsignsigner |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_allowdownloadproofezsignsigner |
boolean |
Whether we allow the proof to be downloaded by an Ezsignsigner |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendproofreceivealldocument |
boolean |
Whether we send the proof to user and Ezsignsigner who receive all documents. |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsignedtodocumentowner |
boolean |
Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Ezsigndocument's owner |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsignedtofolderowner |
boolean |
Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Ezsignfolder's owner |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsignedtofullgroup |
boolean |
Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Usergroup that has acces to all Ezsignfolders |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsignedtolimitedgroup |
boolean |
THIS FIELD WILL BE DELETED. Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the Usergroup that has acces to only their own Ezsignfolders |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsignedtocolleague |
boolean |
Whether we send the signed Ezsigndocument to the colleagues |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsummarytodocumentowner |
boolean |
Whether we send the summary to the Ezsigndocument's owner |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsummarytofolderowner |
boolean |
Whether we send the summary to the Ezsignfolder's owner |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsummarytofullgroup |
boolean |
Whether we send the summary to the Usergroup that has acces to all Ezsignfolders |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsummarytolimitedgroup |
boolean |
Whether we send the summary to the Usergroup that has acces to only their own Ezsignfolders |
[optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendsummarytocolleague |
boolean |
Whether we send the summary to the colleagues |
b_ezsignfoldertype_isactive |
boolean |
Whether the Ezsignfoldertype is active or not |
a_obj_userlogintype |
ARRAY[UserlogintypeResponse] |