By default the installation, workspace and all git clones are located within the Root install folder
But you can also specify all locations independently as absolute paths.
To enable that select Installed/Located in the specified absolute folder location
as value of the Installation location rule
, Workspace location rule
and Git clone location rule
Then you can specify the desired absolute paths via the corresponding, newly displayed variables:
A third option, probably the most advanced one, is to select the root locations of the different location types individually.
For that choose Located in a uniquely-named folder within the root install/workspace-container/Git-container folder
for the Installation -
, Workspace -
or Git clone location rule
Then can specify independent roots for all installations respectively for all workspaces or all git-lones.
The installation, workspace and git clones created with you current configuration then get individual folder names within these root folders.
The folder names again have default values specified but you can also adjust them if desired.
All of the described rules can be combined arbitrarily to eventually define the location of your installation, workspace and git clones. The full power of these advanced rules can usually only be utilized if you have multiple installations, workspaces and git clones. For a simpler start it's therefore recommended to use the simpler options in the beginning.
In general the Eclipse Installer also provides a wide range of advanced configuration options that are useful when working on more complex projects. These options allow you to customize your IDE setup, manage multiple environments, and more. For further details on using the advanced features of the installer: