Basket of Passwords The program for storage and information management about passwords.
You can download the source code from or or alternatively you can use GIT to get latest development version: git clone git://
- Qt libraries version 4.2.1 or later
- libgcrypt version 1.4.0 or later (WARNING!!! It is required only for basketpwd version < 0.4.2)
- openssl version 0.9.7a or later (This required for basketpwd version >= 0.4.2)
- cmake
On GNU/Linux or FreeBSD Run bellow commands in source folder $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr #(if you have install application in /usr or simple 'cmake ..' if you have install into /usr/local)
On Mac OS X $ mkdir build
$ cmake .. $ make $ make mac-bundle # for create only bundle or $ make mac-dmg # for create bundle and dmg file
for Fedora 13 and later basketpwd packages in RFRemix repository: #
$ git clone git:// # clone repository from git $ cd basketpwd # enter to application directory $ tools/make-source-archive # make a tarboll for building $ cp ../basketpwd*.tar.bz2 tools/SlackBuild/ # copy tarboll to SlackBuild directory $ cd tools/SlackBuild if version of tarboll not equal version in basketpwd.SlackBuild, then edit to equal. $ su - # enter in root account
SlackBuild script tell where him create a package file, type
First, add repository: * for 11.2 * for 11.3 * for 11.4 * for Facctory and install package named basketpwd, as example zypper in basketpwd
Go to section Files on and select one:
- - is a statically linked one exe-file for mobility
- basketpwd-setup-X.X.X.exe - is a windows installer
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