diff --git a/src/Elm/Kernel/Test.js b/src/Elm/Kernel/Test.js
index 1ef03633..f971dfd3 100644
--- a/src/Elm/Kernel/Test.js
+++ b/src/Elm/Kernel/Test.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import Elm.Kernel.Utils exposing (Tuple0)
 import Result exposing (Err, Ok)
+import Maybe exposing (Just, Nothing)
@@ -16,3 +17,17 @@ function _Test_runThunk(thunk)
     return __Result_Err(err.toString());
+var _Test_elmTestSymbol = Symbol("elmTestSymbol");
+function _Test_tagTest(test)
+  test[_Test_elmTestSymbol] = true;
+  return test;
+function _Test_downcastTest(value)
+  return value && value[_Test_elmTestSymbol] ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(value) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
diff --git a/src/Test.elm b/src/Test.elm
index cf0dd763..fd4f5a65 100644
--- a/src/Test.elm
+++ b/src/Test.elm
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ concat tests =
             { description = "This `concat` has no tests in it. Let's give it some!"
             , reason = Invalid EmptyList
+            |> Internal.wrapTest
         case Internal.duplicatedName tests of
@@ -66,9 +67,13 @@ concat tests =
                     { description = String.join "\n" (List.map dupDescription <| Set.toList dups)
                     , reason = Invalid DuplicatedName
+                    |> Internal.wrapTest
             Ok _ ->
-                Internal.ElmTestVariant__Batch tests
+                tests
+                    |> List.map (Internal.unwrapTest)
+                    |> Internal.Batch
+                    |> Internal.wrapTest
 {-| Apply a description to a list of tests.
@@ -106,12 +111,14 @@ describe untrimmedDesc tests =
             { description = "This `describe` has a blank description. Let's give it a useful one!"
             , reason = Invalid BadDescription
+            |> Internal.wrapTest
     else if List.isEmpty tests then
             { description = "This `describe " ++ desc ++ "` has no tests in it. Let's give it some!"
             , reason = Invalid EmptyList
+            |> Internal.wrapTest
         case Internal.duplicatedName tests of
@@ -120,22 +127,28 @@ describe untrimmedDesc tests =
                     dupDescription duped =
                         "Contains multiple tests named '" ++ duped ++ "'. Let's rename them so we know which is which."
-                Internal.ElmTestVariant__Labeled desc <|
-                    Internal.failNow
-                        { description = String.join "\n" (List.map dupDescription <| Set.toList dups)
-                        , reason = Invalid DuplicatedName
-                        }
+                Internal.failNow
+                    { description = String.join "\n" (List.map dupDescription <| Set.toList dups)
+                    , reason = Invalid DuplicatedName
+                    }
+                    |> Internal.Labeled desc
+                    |> Internal.wrapTest
             Ok childrenNames ->
                 if Set.member desc childrenNames then
-                    Internal.ElmTestVariant__Labeled desc <|
-                        Internal.failNow
-                            { description = "The test '" ++ desc ++ "' contains a child test of the same name. Let's rename them so we know which is which."
-                            , reason = Invalid DuplicatedName
-                            }
+                    Internal.failNow
+                        { description = "The test '" ++ desc ++ "' contains a child test of the same name. Let's rename them so we know which is which."
+                        , reason = Invalid DuplicatedName
+                        }
+                        |> Internal.Labeled desc
+                        |> Internal.wrapTest
-                    Internal.ElmTestVariant__Labeled desc (Internal.ElmTestVariant__Batch tests)
+                    tests
+                        |> List.map (Internal.unwrapTest)
+                        |> Internal.Batch
+                        |> Internal.Labeled desc
+                        |> Internal.wrapTest
 {-| Return a [`Test`](#Test) that evaluates a single
@@ -159,9 +172,12 @@ test untrimmedDesc thunk =
     if String.isEmpty desc then
+            |> Internal.wrapTest
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__Labeled desc (Internal.ElmTestVariant__UnitTest (\() -> [ thunk () ]))
+        Internal.UnitTest (\() -> [ thunk () ])
+            |> Internal.Labeled desc
+            |> Internal.wrapTest
 {-| Returns a [`Test`](#Test) that is "TODO" (not yet implemented). These tests
@@ -190,6 +206,7 @@ todo desc =
         { description = desc
         , reason = TODO
+        |> Internal.wrapTest
 {-| Returns a [`Test`](#Test) that causes other tests to be skipped, and
@@ -230,7 +247,7 @@ an `only` inside a `skip`, it will also get skipped.
 only : Test -> Test
 only =
-    Internal.ElmTestVariant__Only
+    Internal.unwrapTest >> Internal.Only >> Internal.wrapTest
 {-| Returns a [`Test`](#Test) that gets skipped.
@@ -266,7 +283,7 @@ an `only` inside a `skip`, it will also get skipped.
 skip : Test -> Test
 skip =
-    Internal.ElmTestVariant__Skipped
+    Internal.unwrapTest >> Internal.Skipped >> Internal.wrapTest
 {-| Options [`fuzzWith`](#fuzzWith) accepts.
@@ -350,37 +367,41 @@ fuzzWith options fuzzer desc getTest =
             { description = "Fuzz tests must have a run count of at least 1, not " ++ String.fromInt options.runs ++ "."
             , reason = Invalid NonpositiveFuzzCount
+            |> Internal.wrapTest
-        fuzzWithHelp options (Test.Fuzz.fuzzTest options.distribution fuzzer desc getTest)
+        fuzzWithHelp
+            options
+            (Test.Fuzz.fuzzTest options.distribution fuzzer desc getTest |> Internal.unwrapTest)
+            |> Internal.wrapTest
-fuzzWithHelp : FuzzOptions a -> Test -> Test
+fuzzWithHelp : FuzzOptions a -> Internal.TestData -> Internal.TestData
 fuzzWithHelp options aTest =
     case aTest of
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__UnitTest _ ->
+        Internal.UnitTest _ ->
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__FuzzTest run ->
-            Internal.ElmTestVariant__FuzzTest (\seed _ -> run seed options.runs)
+        Internal.FuzzTest run ->
+            Internal.FuzzTest (\seed _ -> run seed options.runs)
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__Labeled label subTest ->
-            Internal.ElmTestVariant__Labeled label (fuzzWithHelp options subTest)
+        Internal.Labeled label subTest ->
+            Internal.Labeled label (fuzzWithHelp options subTest)
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__Skipped subTest ->
+        Internal.Skipped subTest ->
             -- It's important to treat skipped tests exactly the same as normal,
             -- until after seed distribution has completed.
             fuzzWithHelp options subTest
-                |> Internal.ElmTestVariant__Only
+                |> Internal.Only
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__Only subTest ->
+        Internal.Only subTest ->
             fuzzWithHelp options subTest
-                |> Internal.ElmTestVariant__Only
+                |> Internal.Only
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__Batch tests ->
+        Internal.Batch tests ->
                 |> List.map (fuzzWithHelp options)
-                |> Internal.ElmTestVariant__Batch
+                |> Internal.Batch
 {-| Take a function that produces a test, and calls it several (usually 100) times, using a randomly-generated input
diff --git a/src/Test/Fuzz.elm b/src/Test/Fuzz.elm
index 433238f1..122fea0c 100644
--- a/src/Test/Fuzz.elm
+++ b/src/Test/Fuzz.elm
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Simplify
 import Test.Distribution exposing (DistributionReport(..))
 import Test.Distribution.Internal exposing (Distribution(..), ExpectedDistribution(..))
 import Test.Expectation exposing (Expectation(..))
-import Test.Internal exposing (Test(..), blankDescriptionFailure)
+import Test.Internal exposing (Test(..), TestData(..), blankDescriptionFailure)
 import Test.Runner.Distribution
 import Test.Runner.Failure exposing (InvalidReason(..), Reason(..))
@@ -27,16 +27,18 @@ fuzzTest distribution fuzzer untrimmedDesc getExpectation =
     if String.isEmpty desc then
+            |> Test.Internal.wrapTest
-        ElmTestVariant__Labeled desc <| validatedFuzzTest fuzzer getExpectation distribution
+        validatedFuzzTest fuzzer getExpectation distribution
+            |> Labeled desc
+            |> Test.Internal.wrapTest
 {-| Knowing that the fuzz test isn't obviously invalid, run the test and package up the results.
-validatedFuzzTest : Fuzzer a -> (a -> Expectation) -> Distribution a -> Test
+validatedFuzzTest : Fuzzer a -> (a -> Expectation) -> Distribution a -> TestData
 validatedFuzzTest fuzzer getExpectation distribution =
-    ElmTestVariant__FuzzTest
+    FuzzTest
         (\seed runs ->
                 runResult : RunResult
diff --git a/src/Test/Internal.elm b/src/Test/Internal.elm
index 2ed68810..35e26c92 100644
--- a/src/Test/Internal.elm
+++ b/src/Test/Internal.elm
@@ -1,36 +1,39 @@
-module Test.Internal exposing (Test(..), blankDescriptionFailure, duplicatedName, failNow, toString)
+module Test.Internal exposing (Test, TestData(..), blankDescriptionFailure, duplicatedName, failNow, toString, wrapTest, unwrapTest)
 import Random
 import Set exposing (Set)
 import Test.Expectation exposing (Expectation)
 import Test.Runner.Failure exposing (InvalidReason(..), Reason(..))
+import Elm.Kernel.Test
-{-| All variants of this type has the `ElmTestVariant__` prefix so that
-node-test-runner can recognize them in the compiled JavaScript. This lets us
-add more variants here without having to update the runner.
+type TestData
+    = UnitTest (() -> List Expectation)
+    | FuzzTest (Random.Seed -> Int -> List Expectation)
+    | Labeled String TestData
+    | Skipped TestData
+    | Only TestData
+    | Batch (List TestData)
-For more information, see <https://github.com/elm-explorations/test/pull/153>
+{-| Newtype wrapper around TestData so that
+node-test-runner can recognize them in the compiled JavaScript. 
+**MUST** only be constructed by the kernel
 type Test
-    = ElmTestVariant__UnitTest (() -> List Expectation)
-    | ElmTestVariant__FuzzTest (Random.Seed -> Int -> List Expectation)
-    | ElmTestVariant__Labeled String Test
-    | ElmTestVariant__Skipped Test
-    | ElmTestVariant__Only Test
-    | ElmTestVariant__Batch (List Test)
+    = Wrapped TestData
 {-| Create a test that always fails for the given reason and description.
-failNow : { description : String, reason : Reason } -> Test
+failNow : { description : String, reason : Reason } -> TestData
 failNow record =
-    ElmTestVariant__UnitTest
+    UnitTest
         (\() -> [ Test.Expectation.fail record ])
-blankDescriptionFailure : Test
+blankDescriptionFailure : TestData
 blankDescriptionFailure =
         { description = "This test has a blank description. Let's give it a useful one!"
@@ -41,25 +44,25 @@ blankDescriptionFailure =
 duplicatedName : List Test -> Result (Set String) (Set String)
 duplicatedName tests =
-        names : Test -> List String
+        names : TestData -> List String
         names test =
             case test of
-                ElmTestVariant__Labeled str _ ->
+                Labeled str _ ->
                     [ str ]
-                ElmTestVariant__Batch subtests ->
+                Batch subtests ->
                     List.concatMap names subtests
-                ElmTestVariant__UnitTest _ ->
+                UnitTest _ ->
-                ElmTestVariant__FuzzTest _ ->
+                FuzzTest _ ->
-                ElmTestVariant__Skipped subTest ->
+                Skipped subTest ->
                     names subTest
-                ElmTestVariant__Only subTest ->
+                Only subTest ->
                     names subTest
         accumDuplicates : String -> ( Set String, Set String ) -> ( Set String, Set String )
@@ -71,7 +74,9 @@ duplicatedName tests =
                 ( dups, Set.insert newName uniques )
         ( dupsAccum, uniquesAccum ) =
-            List.concatMap names tests
+            tests
+                |> List.map (\(Wrapped td) -> td)
+                |> List.concatMap names
                 |> List.foldl accumDuplicates ( Set.empty, Set.empty )
     if Set.isEmpty dupsAccum then
@@ -84,3 +89,14 @@ duplicatedName tests =
 toString : a -> String
 toString =
+wrapTest : TestData -> Test
+wrapTest td =
+    Elm.Kernel.Test.tagTest (Wrapped td)
+unwrapTest : Test -> TestData
+unwrapTest (Wrapped t) =
+    t
diff --git a/src/Test/Runner.elm b/src/Test/Runner.elm
index 8094b3bc..b3ecd6e9 100644
--- a/src/Test/Runner.elm
+++ b/src/Test/Runner.elm
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Test.Runner exposing
     , getDistributionReport
     , formatLabels
     , Simplifiable, fuzz, simplify
+    , downcastTest
 {-| This is an "experts only" module that exposes functions needed to run and
@@ -38,6 +39,10 @@ These functions give you the ability to run fuzzers separate of running fuzz tes
 @docs Simplifiable, fuzz, simplify
+## Test collection helper functions
+@docs DowncastTest
 import Bitwise
@@ -229,21 +234,21 @@ Some design notes:
 distributeSeeds : Int -> Random.Seed -> Test -> Distribution
-distributeSeeds =
-    distributeSeedsHelp False
+distributeSeeds runs seed test =
+    distributeSeedsHelp False runs seed (Internal.unwrapTest test)
-distributeSeedsHelp : Bool -> Int -> Random.Seed -> Test -> Distribution
+distributeSeedsHelp : Bool -> Int -> Random.Seed -> Internal.TestData -> Distribution
 distributeSeedsHelp hashed runs seed test =
     case test of
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__UnitTest aRun ->
+        Internal.UnitTest aRun ->
             { seed = seed
             , all = [ Runnable (Thunk (\_ -> aRun ())) ]
             , only = []
             , skipped = []
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__FuzzTest aRun ->
+        Internal.FuzzTest aRun ->
                 ( firstSeed, nextSeed ) =
                     Random.step Random.independentSeed seed
@@ -254,7 +259,7 @@ distributeSeedsHelp hashed runs seed test =
             , skipped = []
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__Labeled description subTest ->
+        Internal.Labeled description subTest ->
             -- This fixes https://github.com/elm-community/elm-test/issues/192
             -- The first time we hit a Labeled, we want to use the hash of
             -- that label, along with the original seed, as our starting
@@ -307,7 +312,7 @@ distributeSeedsHelp hashed runs seed test =
                 , skipped = List.map (Labeled description) next.skipped
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__Skipped subTest ->
+        Internal.Skipped subTest ->
                 -- Go through the motions in order to obtain the seed, but then
                 -- move everything to skipped.
@@ -320,7 +325,7 @@ distributeSeedsHelp hashed runs seed test =
             , skipped = next.all
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__Only subTest ->
+        Internal.Only subTest ->
                 next =
                     distributeSeedsHelp hashed runs seed subTest
@@ -328,11 +333,11 @@ distributeSeedsHelp hashed runs seed test =
             -- `only` all the things!
             { next | only = next.all }
-        Internal.ElmTestVariant__Batch tests ->
+        Internal.Batch tests ->
             List.foldl (batchDistribute hashed runs) (emptyDistribution seed) tests
-batchDistribute : Bool -> Int -> Test -> Distribution -> Distribution
+batchDistribute : Bool -> Int -> Internal.TestData -> Distribution -> Distribution
 batchDistribute hashed runs test prev =
         next =
@@ -537,3 +542,8 @@ simplify getExpectation ( value, Simplifiable { randomRun, fuzzer } ) =
                 , fuzzer = fuzzer
+downcastTest: a -> Maybe Test
+downcastTest =
+    Elm.Kernel.Test.downcastTest
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/src/RunnerTests.elm b/tests/src/RunnerTests.elm
index 6f66cf58..3230411f 100644
--- a/tests/src/RunnerTests.elm
+++ b/tests/src/RunnerTests.elm
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ import Test.Runner.Failure
 all : Test
 all =
-        [ fromTest ]
+        [ fromTest
+        , helperTests
+        ]
 toSeededRunners : Test -> SeededRunners
@@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ fromTest =
                                 |> Expect.equal
                                         { given = Nothing
-                                        , description = "This test failed because it threw an exception: \"Error: TODO in module `RunnerTests` on line 197\n\ncrash\""
+                                        , description = "This test failed because it threw an exception: \"Error: TODO in module `RunnerTests` on line 199\n\ncrash\""
                                         , reason = Test.Runner.Failure.Custom
@@ -219,3 +221,18 @@ fromTest =
 passing : Test
 passing =
     test "A passing test" expectPass
+helperTests : Test
+helperTests =
+    describe "Tests for runner helper functions"
+        [ test "correctly finds tests" <|
+            \() ->
+                Test.Runner.downcastTest passing
+                    |> Expect.equal (Just passing)
+        , test "correctly ignores non-tests" <|
+            \() ->
+                Test.Runner.downcastTest 67
+                    |> Expect.equal Nothing
+        ]