All notable changes to this project will be documented here.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project attempts to adhere to Semantic Versioning.
v1.0.1 (2024-07-05)
- broken logger configuration introduced in 1.0.0 (7e27daa)
v1.0.0 (2024-07-05)
- Python <3.8 no longer supported
- add support for Python 3.11, 3.12 & drop Python 3.6 and 3.7 (e30c803)
- update docs (151a20f)
- update Black's target versions (52ee283)
- update logging configuration (89c8276)
- add manually triggered workflow (aac0ae3)
- bump codecov/codecov-action from v2 to v4 (fece05b)
- disable publishing to testPyPI (ebe85af)
- update CI to use latest actions and OSes (f0a92d3)
- you need an upload token from (806eeb9)
v0.1.2 (2022-01-21)
- changelog: add note on version 0.1.0 (7e7b8a6)
- changelog: regenerate using standard-version (90da4da)
- readme: add a GIF to demonstrate the tool (82afdbe)
- readme: general reorganisation of the docs – centre the badges, categorize the TODOs and add some minor improvements (d46fcbb)
- deps-dev: bump faker from 8.9.1 to 8.10.0 (#3) (63c50d9)
- deps-dev: bump invoke from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 (#5) (f62aa4e)
- deps-dev: bump isort from 5.9.1 to 5.9.2 (#4) (81837d2)
- deps-dev: update outdated packages (45bd516)
- deps-dev: update precommit hook commitizen-tools/commitizen to v2.17.12 (63cf405)
- deps-dev: update precommit hook commitizen-tools/commitizen to v2.17.13 (69b65cc)
- deps-dev: update precommit hook commitizen-tools/commitizen to v2.18.0 (50a946f)
- deps-dev: update precommit hook pre-commit/mirrors-isort to v5.9.2 (922f932)
- deps-dev: update precommit hook pycqa/isort to v5.9.3 (300dd31)
- enforce coverage<6 and ensure python 3.10 support (e2c2f92)
- add
(#6) (194b29e) - add GH action to greet first-time contributors (8085515)
- add manually triggered workflow (c8b3e66)
- add the lint job to python 3.8 on TRavis CI (0d20cbf)
- correct the Travis CI config to support PEP 517 builds (9e476a1)
- customize renovate config to allow automatic dependency management (8fcc766)
- disable publishing to testPyPI (00c8783)
- improved release workfow through some custom hacks (ee12b8e)
- pre-commit autoupdate (#10) (c4a52df)
- pre-commit autoupdate (#12) (94c2929)
- remove
configuration file (bc0568b) - renovate.json: fix configuration (#9) (14dd8b3)
- run tests on GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows (2a2b446)
- run tests on Python 3.10 (6e93962)
- switch from Travis CI to GitHub Actions (ba1b1fb)
- travis: revert to the initial setup defined in f53d6a (4db1f32)
v0.1.1 (2021-07-07)
- readme: additional badges showing PyPi download stats, supported Python versions and commit activity (5c735b2)
- readme: correct the Travis CI Badge URL to point to the master branch (275443e)
- readme: fix typo in opening paragraph of "Why this Project?" (118f9ba)
- readme: minor grammar improvements (ad63721)
- deploy on PyPi only when you create (and push) new tags on master (c34224f)
- pyproject.toml: make isort compatible with black, just like the pre-commit configuration (ba0a438)
- travis: replace token with actual username (87fddc2)
- bug in
v0.1.0 (2021-07-06)
- automatic deployment on PyPi (f53d6ae)