When starting the container I am greeted with a website that says no website hosted here
. Looking at the source code I see that it is a simple html page.
no website hosted here
Since we are given the source I can also check around there and I see that there is a FlagController.cs file. Looking at that I see that it has a route api/flag
and that it requires a secret as a header
public class FlagController : ControllerBase
[Host("localhost:*", "impossible.ept.gg:*")]
public string GetFlag()
var secret = Request.Headers["Secret"];
var model = new FlagModel();
return model.GetFlag(secret[0]);
}catch(Exception e){
return "This did not work, use the source";
I also see that it is setup with two hostnames only localhost
and impossible.ept.gg
. So trying those with the header Host
I get the error message This did not work, use the source
. Now looking at GetFlag function in the FlagModel.cs which seems to be the function validating my secret.
public string GetFlag(String key_word) {
var plainKey = encrypt(Base64Decode(key_word),-13);
var flag = File.ReadAllText("flag.txt");
return flag;
} else {
return "This is not a flag, try again";
Adding a random secret secret I get the other error This is not a flag, try again
. So next I try to reverse the encrypt function.
static string encrypt(string value, int shift) {
char[] buffer = value.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
char letter = buffer[i];
letter = (char)(letter + shift);
if (letter > 'z')
letter = (char)(letter - 26);
else if (letter < 'a')
letter = (char)(letter + 26);
buffer[i] = letter;
return new string(buffer);
But after looking at it it looks like a basic rot13 so I open CyberChef to generate this secret cmNncGdzYmVndXJqdmE=
Throwing that into Curl and I get the flag.
$ curl -H "Secret: cmNncGdzYmVndXJqdmE=" -H "Host: impossible.ept.gg" http://io.ept.gg:40992/api/flag