Releases: equinor/ecalc
Releases · equinor/ecalc
8.19.0 (2024-07-31)
- New unit-format for venting emitters, aligned to what is used in other parts of yaml-file. ECALC-1059
- add type and multiple emissions for venting emitters (#424)
- include direct emitter results in ltp export (#305)
- remove economy from ecalc (#282)
- graph.components and graph.get_component renamed to nodes and get_node
- add type to consumers in system
- energy model type not allowed to change over time (#131)
- add compressor inlet- and outlet pressures to models/train level (#152) (9b95ee5)
- add control margin to single speed compressor charts (#418) (472e592)
- add eletrical- and mechanical power to asset (#479) (464047f)
- add emitter rate type to venting emitters (#312) (d6e16fa)
- add file context to model validation error (#401) (0a75da4)
- add input compressor pressures to output (#140) (74e3e56)
- add pump results to system v2 (8cf9e1b)
- add stream conditions to compressor v2 (#194) (232f83b)
- add support for system v2 in FDE (e6d1f93)
- add support for temporal operational settings in v2 (f2b217a)
- check that file exist when validating yaml for run (#388) (441722f)
- expose yaml variables (1fe9dd0)
- implement adjustment factors for genset (#555) (4c84931)
- include rate type in header for csv export (#279) (5edd0cc)
- make version comparable (8ea5b2f)
- multiple streams in system (#242) (419c2e9)
- new PfS columns (#429) (a6b198e)
- output pump head to json-file (#49) (60720f4)
- support bfs_tree in graph (a4fff16)
- support name for crossover streams (#236) (c801f3f)
- train v2 yaml and dto (#272) (b0e3466)
- validate expression reference tokens (#404) (2af9d13)
- validate model references and types (dd8d701)
Bug Fixes
- a few things that were left out when the failure_status were refactored (#432) (1e4acce)
- add control margin to compressor stage validation (#405) (0f1e6f8)
- add name constraints to yaml classes (#358) (f586181)
- add pydantic ndarray type (d005ed4)
- add system v2 subcomponents to components list (b61a0fe)
- add system v2 to generator set consumers (#166) (d40558e)
- add volume query for venting emitters oil type (8cca29a)
- allow electrical driven consumers in consumer system v2 (92cb4fa)
- avoid name conflicts with ecalc cli package (#197) (140c448)
- avoid usage of packaging (4121f5b)
- avoid zero discharge pressure after validation of operational conditions (830c75e)
- bug fix to joining results from different temporal models with compressor train models having multiple inlet or outlet streams (#63) (da3144a)
- bug in asset_result_dto (#170) (c45a7ac)
- bug in compressor with turbine models with multiple streams and only one date (#296) (8c2c786)
- cast float to numpy array in function call (#39) (250928c)
- convert numpy to python (2be1736)
- correct changelog for venting emitters (#324) (eff911e)
- correct fallback to pydantic v1 (#332) (4f89e48)
- correct type for total system rate in pump system v2 (#167) (5559cdd)
- custom date format in json (#359) (d62e650)
- deep copy when aggregating model results (#311) (53c8df4)
- detect duplicate keys in yaml file and raise error (#438) (cfeb006)
- do not allow for negative recirculation if rate is above max flow rate for a compressor chart (#403) (86bf31e)
- do not merge model results (#304) (34cebc4)
- do not return actual rate in results for compressor sampled since it can not be calculated (#190) (74fcfd8)
- docs: issue with anchor links in search (70b4f8e)
- don't require HCEXPORT in editor (#254) (e497245)
- don't run pdoc on application module (abbb704)
- ensure regularity is evaluated for all installations when only venting emitters (#468) (0e6b248)
8.18.0 (2024-06-25)
- make version comparable (8ea5b2f)
Bug Fixes
- avoid usage of packaging (4121f5b)
- docs: issue with anchor links in search (70b4f8e)
- error message for new pfs columns (#511) (7b4ea11)
- implement YamlModel specific errors (f0c317a)
- change TURBINE_LOAD to TURBINE_LOADS (#520) (9b2bf1e)
- clean up documentation around compressor modelling including adding some missing keywords (#528) (26d4aba)
- corrected the WATER_PROD rate to meet the max pump chart capacity (#531) (0cfe517)
- update advanced model (#522) (e8d4b34)
- update changelog and migration guide (#509) (e5311d1)
- update documentation about fluid models adding missing yaml keywords (#524) (8bd68a1)
- update drogon to use input files (#530) (b6d632e)
Miscellaneous Chores
- align cli validation for power from shore (#513) (94e46b8)
- codeowners for changelog (#514) (f835d20)
- improve error messages for invalid characters in variables names (#536) (325bfec)
- make sure all time series are resampled (#533) (9684fe5)
- move exporter tests (5df5f36)
- refine unit format alignment (#506) (ca14c22)
- update dependencies (f6c2ac4)
- upgrade dependencies (#529) (5416871)
Code Refactoring
8.17.0 (2024-06-04)
Miscellaneous Chores
- add support to manually create prereleases (#501) (6a1afa3)
- docs: update documentation (9cf339b)
- fix katex equations (d19b75e)
- improve error message for missing header in input csv files (#498) (b146eb4)
- make prerelease behave differently (#503) (f234f8e)
- make prerelease behave differently with input vars (#504) (ca27794)
8.16.0 (2024-05-31)
- New unit-format for venting emitters, aligned to what is used in other parts of yaml-file. ECALC-1059
Bug Fixes
- detect duplicate keys in yaml file and raise error (#438) (cfeb006)
- do not allow for negative recirculation if rate is above max flow rate for a compressor chart (#403) (86bf31e)
- ensure regularity is evaluated for all installations when only venting emitters (#468) (0e6b248)
- error when only venting emitters are specified for an installation (#449) (017560d)
- max power from shore values (#490) (1c7a4a1)
- use custom type pydantic class to wrap ndarray and avoid validation problem (#487) (ab2877e)
- wrong unit max power from shore (#491) (f881335)
- added keyword MAXIMUM_POWER in eCalc YAML keyword list. (#391) (1322d2b)
- change changelog order (0bf6fe6)
- dummy change to docs (ae0347c)
- fix typo (#451) (1c6550d)
- fix typo (#454) (f7caf31)
- fix typo (#455) (5ef2087)
- fix typo (#456) (da59577)
- load examples from file (0dc526d)
- update changelog with fix for max usage from shore (#494) (747839b)
- update docs, changelog and migration guide (#441) (74b7524)
- Update (#447) (c9b89b5)
Miscellaneous Chores
- add deploy for jira tracking (6681607)
- add support for pandas v2 (#481) (6d0e68f)
- add test (cfeb006)
- align format of units (#495) (ab43bd7)
- change volume-unit venting emitters (#442) (06f85e8)
- create jira release (f5c8e55)
- deps: bump actions/cache from 4.0.0 to 4.0.2 (d7a3427)
- docs: update dependencies (3428d34)
- include jira info in pr template (fed28a6)
- Make sure we remember chores for changes (a017352)
- make sure we support python 3.8 to 3.11 (#475) (2e26ce1)
- make venting emitters emission names case insensitive (#473) (1c390a6)
- update changelog (cfeb006)
- update dependencies (#459) (eb5d75c)
- update jira automation script (8d8e1cc)
- update jira automation script (b17e67c)
- update jira release automation (84754db)
- update trigger for jira automation (cf8f5e0)
- update typer (d01a55e), closes #483
- update yaml oil type venting emitter (#448) (7997813)