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Alex Feyerke
Apr 20, 2012
a9982cb · Apr 20, 2012


48 lines (33 loc) · 2.03 KB

File metadata and controls

48 lines (33 loc) · 2.03 KB


A bash script for os x that makes a timelapse video of your screen with ffmpg.

What it does

  • Takes incrementally numbered screenshots of your main monitor at a definable interval, and at a definable resolution.
  • If you have ffmpeg installed, it will let you render these screenshots to a .mov file at an arbitrary framerate.

How to use it

  • Clone screenlapse.command to wherever you want your screenshots and the video.
  • Make the file executable (via cmd-i or chmod +x screenlapse.command).
  • Double click it.

If you're in a hurry, just smash the enter key three times to start recording with defaults, otherwise, you can set these parameters:

  • Interval: number of seconds between each screenshot. Default is 4.
  • Starting value for incremental numbering: if you exited the script before and want to resume now, put the name of the last screenshot +1 here (if your last screenshot was 2214.jpg, enter 2215 here). Default is 1.
  • Target width: Whatever you want the width if the resulting images/video to be, i.e "640". Correct aspect ratio is maintained. Defaults to your screen resolution.

You can then stop the screenshotting with ctrl-c. If ffmpeg is installed, you will then be prompted whether you want to render the screenshots into a -mov file. If yes, you will be prompted for:

  • Framerate: Target framerate of the .mov. Default is 12.
  • Filename: The name of the .mov file. Default is "timelapse".

Careful: screenlapse will overwrite any existing files without warning.

Installing ffmpeg:

If you have homebrew installed: $ brew install ffmpeg

Otherwise try:

$ svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg
$ cd ffmpeg
$ ./configure --enable-shared --disable-mmx
$ sudo make
$ sudo make install

(I could never make this work)


Screenlapse happened because of this blog post, so thanks to those two guys.