Metacello new
repository: 'github://estebanlm/pharo-cig:main/src';
baseline: 'CIG';
CIG needs to be able to find the clang library. If it cannot find it automatically, set the location in LibClang>>unix64LibraryName, e.g.
^ FFIUnix64LibraryFinder new
userPaths: #('/usr/lib/llvm-18/lib');
findAnyLibrary: #('' '')
(lib := CigCLibraryGenerator new)
"Prefix to be added to the generated classes (structures, enums, etc.)"
prefix: 'Ray';
"name of the generated package (by default, is the same as the libraryName, capitalized)"
packageName: 'Raylib';
"Library name. If not unixLibraryName, macLibraryName and winLibraryName
are specified, it will be taken as base name for the existing libraries
(e.g. in this case, raylib.dylib and raylib.dll)"
libraryName: 'raylib';
"headers to import (there can be as many of them as is needed)."
import: '/home/esteban/dev/vm/raylib/src/raylib.h';
import: '/home/esteban/dev/vm/raylib/src/rcamera.h';
"include path (-I of c compiler), to allow libclang to find other
included headers."
cIncludePath: '/home/esteban/dev/vm/raylib/src';
"Since this is a graphical library, instruct the library to run in mainthread
(otherwise, default is 'same thread' which is the same thread the pharo is
"generate the library"
lib generate.