Create a ECS Cluster
Cluster can be using Fargate or EC2 Instances
The cluster is high available across 2 AZs
Hosted in private Zone
Security Groups are created with least privileges
IAM roles required are associated with the cluster nodes
Acceptance Criteria:
ECS cluster is visible from the AWS console
There is no SG with
The cluster can pull images from ECR
Documentation is updated with information related t the ECS cluster
The following input variables are required:
Description: variable declaration
Type: string
Description: n/a
Type: any
Description: n/a
Type: any
Description: n/a
Type: any
Description: n/a
Type: any
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: n/a
Type: string
Default: "ami-0b781a9543e01e880"
Description: n/a
Type: string
Default: "t2.micro"
Description: Maximum number of instances in the cluster
Type: number
Default: 5
Description: Minimum number of instances in the cluster
Type: number
Default: 1
The following outputs are exported:
Description: n/a