As-of 2021, this product does not have a free support team anymore. If you want this product to be maintained, please support my work.
(This product is available under a free and permissive license, but needs financial support to sustain its continued improvements. In addition to maintenance and stability there are many desirable features yet to be added.)
The purpose of this package is to have a quick and simple overview of your Lighthouse-Puppeteer report.
yarn add google-lighthouse-puppeteer-cli-dashboard -g
npm install google-lighthouse-puppeteer-cli-dashboard --global
$> lp-dashboard -h
-f, --file file Path to your summary.json (default : /home/chrome/reports/summary.json)
-r, --rules json JSON of an object explaining the title of the rule and the JSONPath rule. Can
be multiple (use -r for each rule)
Example: -r "{\"Interactive value\": \"\$.audits['consistently-
-h, --help Print this usage guide.
║ │ Interactive value ║
║ │ 6,740 ms ║
║ │ 8,610 ms ║
const dashboard = require('google-lighthouse-puppeteer-cli-dashboard');
const db = new dashboard({file:'/path/to/summary.json'}); //file is optional - Default : /home/chrome/reports/summary.json
console.log(db.getTable()); // displays CLI dashboard
console.log(db.getReport()); // returns a Json with filtered results for each URL
console.log(db.reportToTable(db.getReport())); // returns an Array to be converted in CLI dashboard