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214 lines (138 loc) · 5.46 KB

How to contribute

We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project.

Before you begin

Sign our Contributor License Agreement

Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution; this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project.

If you or your current employer have already signed the Google CLA (even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it again.

Visit to see your current agreements or to sign a new one.

Review our community guidelines

This project follows Google's Open Source Community Guidelines.

Contribution process

Code reviews

All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult GitHub Help for more information on using pull requests.


Note: If you want to setup all runtime environments at the same time (js/go/py), you may want to run the bin/setup script. Beware, this script may break other setup you may already have in your project environment.

Genkit supports JavaScript, Go, and Python. Before contributing in any of these languages, complete these prerequisites:

  1. Install Node.js 20 or later using nvm

    Note: Node.js v20 or greater is required. Earlier versions may not work properly.

  2. Install the Genkit CLI globally:

    npm install -g genkit-cli

After completing these prerequisites, follow the language-specific setup instructions below.

Go Guide

  1. Install Go 1.24 or later Follow the official Go installation guide.

  2. Configure your AI model Most samples use Google's Gemini model. You'll need to generate an API key at Google AI Studio.

    Once you have your key, set it in your environment:

    export GOOGLE_GENAI_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
  3. Run a sample application

    cd go/samples          # Navigate to samples directory
    cd <sample-name>       # Choose a sample to run
    go mod tidy            # Install Go dependencies
    genkit start -- go run .  # Start the Genkit server and run the application

    Once running, visit http://localhost:4000 to access the Developer UI.

  4. Run tests

    cd <test-directory>    # Navigate to test directory
    go test .              # Run tests in current directory

JS Guide

Install dependencies

Run corepack enable pnpm to enable pnpm.

pnpm i
pnpm run setup

This will install all dependencies and build all packages.

Build it

pnpm build

This will build all packages in this repository. This is recommended the first time you check out a fresh repo or pull new revisions.

Pack it

Pack packages for testing/distribution.

Assuming you built everything previously....

pnpm pack:all

This will produce tarballs in the dist folder. Also -- a zip of all the package tarballs.

Link it

You will need the Genkit CLI to run test apps and the Developer UI (this is done for you with pnpm run setup):

pnpm link-genkit-cli

Run it

Run a flow

In the js/testapps folder you will find some test apps using Genkit. They might contain instructions for how to run them and what setup is necessary.

Here's one that requires no setup:

cd js/testapps/flow-sample1
genkit start -- tsx --watch src/index.ts

Point your browser to http://localhost:4000

Run an evaluation

We'll be using the pdfQA flow for our example.

To start, let's make sure we have some context to pull from the vector store.

  1. Start the Developer UI
cd js/testapps/evals
genkit start -- pnpm genkit:dev
  1. Click on the indexPdf flow in the left nav.
  2. Input paths to pdfs you want to index. There's one checked into the directory:
  1. Run an evaluation on a sample dataset checked into the testapp
genkit eval:flow pdfQA --input ./data/cat_adoption_questions.json
  1. Go to the Evaluations tab in the Developer UI to view the evaluation results.

Code it

FYI: js and genkit-tools are in two separate workspaces.

As you make changes you may want to build and test things by running test apps. You can reduce the scope of what you're building by running a specific build command:

pnpm build:genkit
pnpm build:genkit-tools

But you can also go into specific package that you changed and run

pnpm build

If you are going to be coding for a while then do

pnpm build:watch

in the package that you're editing.

Document it

If you are contributing to the core Genkit JS SDK (under the /js directory), please make sure that all exported members have a valid JSDoc associated with them.

Use the following command to build and view the new API reference locally.

cd js && pnpm build && pnpm typedoc-html && open api-refs-js/index.html

Send it

Once done coding you will want to send a PR. Always do things in a separate branch (by convention name the branch your-name/feature-something).

Before sending the PR, always run:

pnpm format
pnpm build