Releases: folio-org/raml-module-builder
Releases · folio-org/raml-module-builder
- RMB-136: Default paging in storage modules prevents operations on entire contents
- RMB-138: SchemaDereferencer: Support name to name.schema resolution
- RMB-143: Version update: vertx 3.5.1, jackson 2.9.4
- RMB-144: Security update PostgreSQL 10.2
- RMB-146: Add support for faceting on fields in arrays
- RMB-148: Configure implementation specific paging limits per endpoint
- RMB-150: High number of facets seems to cause error
- RMB-151: AspectJ not running when recompiling
- RMB-152: /_/tenant DELETE: consider to use 4xx over 500 if tenant does not exist
- RMB-153: Add folio/util/StringUtil.urlencode(String)
- RMB-156: Allow saving base64 econded data as a jsonarray
- RMB-157: Helper for error handling
- RMB-160: allow registering a custom deserializater to the static object mapper
- FOLIO-1202: improve README raml section
- FOLIO-1179: Fix dev URLs
- FOLIO-1187: Add
18.0.0 2018-02-18
- RMB-133: start , rollback and end transactions should use a handler of type handler<asyncresult>
- RMB-132: Allow update() method to be called within a transaction.
- RMB-131: PostgresClient: asynchronous functions must not throw exceptions
- RMB-128: Upgrade to postgres v10 - embedded mode
- RMB-119: CQL's default relation "=" now uses "adj" relation for strings (was "all")
- CQLPG-30, CQLPG-31: Fix number handling in CQL queries
- RMB-124: Lift time limit of PostgresClientMultiVertxIT
- RMB-122: Setting caseSensitive= true, removeAccents = false in regular index declaration corrupts generated schema
- RMB-121: mod-configuration doesn't build with Postgres 10
- RMB-120: README should suggest to use UUID, not SERIAL
- RMB-119: CQL's default relation "=" should use "adj" for a string
- RMB-118: add a /admin/db_maintenance api
- RMB-115: jaxrs test cleanup results in compile failure
- RMB-114: Security update postgres-embedded:2.6
- RMB-113: Dereference raml-util if ramls directory does not exist
- RMB-112: Use logger rather than standard output/standard error
- RMB-107: SchemaMaker unit test for lower(f_unaccent(...)) index
- RMB-104: optimize join views + add support for more than 2 tables
- RMB-98: Foreign key trigger created in public schema and not in tenant's schema
RMB-104 is a breaking change to the schema.json
RMB-119 may be a breaking change do to different cql to sql query generation
Schema dereferencing requires ramls dir; fix sortBy
- RMB-103: Schema dereferencing requires a ramls/ directory with the raml and schema files.
- CQLPG-29 "sortBy field" sorts by null (cql2pgjson:1.3.3)
Other changes:
- RMB-106: Set Locale.US, use Logger, split into separate tests.
- importSQL tenant sensitive
- RMB-110: Lift time limit in PostgresClientIT.parallel(...)
- hack to handle simple text response for rmb http client
- ResourceUtil.asString(...): more documentation, more options
16.0.2: "readonly" fields, fix for number in string
- RMB-94: "readonly" fields should be ignored
- MODINVSTOR-38: Fix number in string by updating cql2pgjson to 1.3.2
16.0.1 Update cql2pgjson to v1.3.1 fixing number handling
Fixes "Checkout is broken"
- RMB-56 add SchemaDereferencer that replaces "$ref" in raml files
- RMB-82 additional / optimize counting of results via postgresClient
- RMB-84 fix facet mechanism to use new counting RMB-82
- RMB-88 optimize facet query
- RMB-91 Remove case insensitive support and use generic ->'' operator
- RMB-89 Performance checklist - various performance issues
- RMB-99 sql EXPLAIN returns very in-accurate counts on a view , OR queries
- RMB-77 fix documentation for declaration of json schema
This is a backwards in-compatible upgrade:
- the gin index declaration in the schema.json is no longer a boolean, but is declared like a regular index (field, case sensitive, accent sensitive, etc...) - see README
- validation of cql (validation that the fields actually exist) is now supported for referenced schemas, the referenced schemas are injected into the referencing schema - and the paths to these schemas can now be found at /ramls/name_of_schema
- RMB-61 move sql templates into rmb (break backwards compatibility for implementing modules using the sql template to generate a DB schema on tenant creation / update / delete) - more info -