CSS Remedy - No Official Site
Start your project with a remedy for the technical debt of CSS. A gift to you from Mozilla Developer Outreach. Browsers these days are consistent in how they render CSS. But there are limitations on how far browsers can improve their User Agent Stylesheet. The defaults for the web have to be consistent with the past. You, however, don't have to stay in the past. You can override the UA styles with more modern ideas of how CSS should work by default. Introducing CSS Remedy.
Hoisin is a very simple responsive front end mini framework made to kick start your web project, written in Sass. This framework was created as an alternative to more complex and bloated front end frameworks, with a focus on organisation, speed and flexibility. We also aim to keep its codebase fresh including new techniques, whilst maintaining good support for the most common browsers.
A repository for the development of the HTML5 Boilerplate CSS file, main.css.
The classless CSS reset (perfect for Communists). No JavaScript. No Classes. Just raw CSS. Marx is a CSS stylesheet to be used in any projects (namely small ones). If you don't need the weight of heavy frameworks or you would just like to make an edible website quickly, Marx is perfect for you. It can be used out of the minified box but it can also be customised and styled through the use of HTML classes.
Tiny modern CSS reset.
A bare-bones CSS reset for modern web development. A tiny little reset that you can use as the basis of your CSS projects.
Modern-Normalize - No Official Site
Normalize browsers' default style.
Nanoreset is an simple CSS reset intented to be lightweight while still providing an a solid base for your project. It differs from other similar projects in that it is subjective to my use cases and preferences.
A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project. Pure is meant to be a starting point for every website or web app. We take care of all the CSS work that every site needs, without making it look cookie-cutter.
A modern CSS reset.
Reseter.css - No Official Site
The Modern CSS Reset 🚀 (Formerly Reseter.css).
The best-practices CSS foundation. sanitize.css is a CSS library that corrects broken and missing styles in all browsers, preserving useful defaults rather than unstyling everything. It’s developed alongside normalize.css, so every normalization includes the browsers or browser versions being targeted, and every opinionated change is marked and documented.
Shoelace.css is a lightweight, forward-thinking CSS library built with future CSS syntax. It’s easy to use and highly customizable. Bootstrap users will find it familiar, yet refreshing.
This CSS reset is built from the understanding we don't want to use the default style we are getting from the browsers, except the 'display' property.
Vanilla is a simple extensible CSS framework, written in Sass, by the Ubuntu Web Team. Vanilla Framework is a simple extensible CSS framework, built using Sass and is designed to be used either directly or by using themes to extend or supplement its patterns.