This example shows how to run a Hive query on EMR Serverless that analyzes data from the NOAA Global Surface Summary of Day dataset from the Registry of Open Data on AWS.
The script analyzes data from a given year and finds the weather location with the most extreme rain, wind, snow, and temperature.
ℹ️ Throughout this demo, I utilize environment variables to allow for easy copy/paste
region. You can run in other regions by setting up EMR Serverless with a VPC, which may incur additional cost, or copy some sampe data from the s3://noaa-gsod-pds/2022/
You should have already completed the pre-requisites in this repo's README.
This example requires that you have access to the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
Define some environment variables to be used later.
export JOB_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:role/emr-serverless-job-role
- First, make sure the
scripts are uploaded to an S3 bucket in theus-east-1
aws s3 cp extreme_weather.sql s3://${S3_BUCKET}/code/hive/
aws s3 cp create_table.sql s3://${S3_BUCKET}/code/hive/
- Now, let's create and start an Application on EMR Serverless. Applications are where you submit jobs and are associated with a specific open source framework and release version.
ℹ️ Please note that leaving a pre-initialized application running WILL incur costs in your AWS Account.
aws emr-serverless create-application \
--type HIVE \
--name serverless-demo \
--release-label "emr-6.6.0" \
--initial-capacity '{
"workerCount": 1,
"workerConfiguration": {
"cpu": "2vCPU",
"memory": "4GB",
"disk": "30gb"
"workerCount": 10,
"workerConfiguration": {
"cpu": "4vCPU",
"memory": "8GB",
"disk": "30gb"
}' \
--maximum-capacity '{
"cpu": "400vCPU",
"memory": "1024GB",
"disk": "1000GB"
This will return information about your application.
"applicationId": "00et0f0b79s06o09",
"arn": "arn:aws:emr-serverless:us-east-1:123456789012:/applications/00et0f0b79s06o09",
"name": "serverless-demo"
environment variable to reuse later.
export APPLICATION_ID=00et0f0b79s06o09
- Get the state of your application
aws emr-serverless get-application \
--application-id $APPLICATION_ID
Once your application is in CREATED
state, you can go ahead and start it.
aws emr-serverless start-application \
--application-id $APPLICATION_ID
Once your application is in STARTED
state, you can submit jobs.
With pre-initialized capacity, you can define a minimum amount of resources that EMR Serverless keeps ready to respond to interactive queries. EMR Serverless will scale your application up as necessary to respond to workloads, but return to the pre-initialized capacity when there is no activity. You can start or stop an application to effectively pause your application so that you are not billed for resources you're not using. If you don't need second-level response times in your workloads, you can use the default capacity and EMR Serverless will decomission all resources when a job is complete and scale back up as more workloads come in.
Now that you've created your application, you can submit jobs to it at any time.
aws emr-serverless start-job-run \
--application-id $APPLICATION_ID \
--execution-role-arn $JOB_ROLE_ARN \
--job-driver '{
"hive": {
"initQueryFile": "s3://'${S3_BUCKET}'/code/hive/create_table.sql",
"query": "s3://'${S3_BUCKET}'/code/hive/extreme_weather.sql",
"parameters": "--hiveconf hive.exec.scratchdir=s3://'${S3_BUCKET}'/hive/scratch --hiveconf hive.metastore.warehouse.dir=s3://'${S3_BUCKET}'/hive/warehouse"
}' \
--configuration-overrides '{
"applicationConfiguration": [
"classification": "hive-site",
"properties": {
"hive.driver.cores": "2",
"hive.driver.memory": "4g",
"hive.tez.container.size": "8192",
"hive.tez.cpu.vcores": "4"
"monitoringConfiguration": {
"s3MonitoringConfiguration": {
"logUri": "s3://'${S3_BUCKET}'/hive-logs/"
"applicationId": "00esprurjpeqpq09",
"arn": "arn:aws:emr-serverless:us-east-1:123456789012:/applications/00esprurjpeqpq09/jobruns/00esps8ka2vcu801",
"jobRunId": "00esps8ka2vcu801"
Let's set our JOB_RUN_ID
variable so we can use it to monitor the job progress.
export JOB_RUN_ID=00esps8ka2vcu801
aws emr-serverless get-job-run \
--application-id $APPLICATION_ID \
--job-run-id $JOB_RUN_ID
The job should start within a few seconds since we're making use of pre-initialized capacity.
We can also look at our logs while the job is running.
aws s3 ls s3://${S3_BUCKET}/hive-logs/applications/$APPLICATION_ID/jobs/$JOB_RUN_ID/
Or copy the stdout of the job.
aws s3 cp s3://${S3_BUCKET}/hive-logs/applications/$APPLICATION_ID/jobs/$JOB_RUN_ID/HIVE_DRIVER/stdout.gz - | gunzip
When you're all done, make sure to call stop-application
to decommission your capacity and delete-application
if you're all done.
aws emr-serverless stop-application \
--application-id $APPLICATION_ID
aws emr-serverless delete-application \
--application-id $APPLICATION_ID
Follow the steps in building the Tez UI Docker container to build the container locally
Get credentials and set S3_LOG_URI
export S3_LOG_URI=s3://${S3_BUCKET}/hive-logs
- Fire up Docker
docker run --rm -d \
--name emr-serverless-tez-ui \
-p 8088:8088 -p 8188:8188 -p 9999:9999 \
Open the Tez UI at http://localhost:9999/tez-ui/
When you're done, stop the Docker image
docker stop emr-serverless-tez-ui