Goal: find the shortest route to go from one node to another in a graph.
Suppose we have to following graph:
We may want to find out what the shortest way is to get from node A
to node F
If the graph is unweighed, then finding the shortest path is easy: we can use the breadth-first search algorithm. For a weighted graph, we can use Dijkstra's algorithm.
[Breadth-first search](../Breadth-First Search/) is a method for traversing a tree or graph data structure. It starts at a source node and explores the immediate neighbor nodes first, before moving to the next level neighbors. As a convenient side effect, it automatically computes the shortest path between a source node and each of the other nodes in the tree or graph.
The result of the breadth-first search can be represented with a tree:

The root of the tree is the node you started the breadth-first search from. To find the distance from node A
to any other node, we simply count the number of edges in the tree. And so we find that the shortest path between A
and F
is 2. The tree not only tells you how long that path is, but also how to actually get from A
to F
(or any of the other nodes).
Let's put breadth-first search into practice and calculate the shortest path from A
to all the other nodes. We start with the source node A
and add it to a queue with a distance of 0
A.distance = 0
The queue is now [ A ]
. We dequeue A
and enqueue its two immediate neighbor nodes B
and C
with a distance of 1
queue.dequeue() // A
B.distance = A.distance + 1 // result: 1
C.distance = A.distance + 1 // result: 1
The queue is now [ B, C ]
. Dequeue B
and enqueue B
's neighbor nodes D
and E
with a distance of 2
queue.dequeue() // B
D.distance = B.distance + 1 // result: 2
E.distance = B.distance + 1 // result: 2
The queue is now [ C, D, E ]
. Dequeue C
and enqueue C
's neighbor nodes F
and G
, also with a distance of 2
queue.dequeue() // C
F.distance = C.distance + 1 // result: 2
G.distance = C.distance + 1 // result: 2
This continues until the queue is empty and we've visited all the nodes. Each time we discover a new node, it gets the distance
of its parent plus 1. As you can see, this is exactly what the [breadth-first search](../Breadth-First Search/) algorithm does, except that we now also keep track of the distance travelled.
Here's the code:
func breadthFirstSearchShortestPath(graph: Graph, source: Node) -> Graph {
let shortestPathGraph = graph.duplicate()
var queue = Queue<Node>()
let sourceInShortestPathsGraph = shortestPathGraph.findNodeWithLabel(source.label)
sourceInShortestPathsGraph.distance = 0
while let current = queue.dequeue() {
for edge in current.neighbors {
let neighborNode = edge.neighbor
if !neighborNode.hasDistance {
neighborNode.distance = current.distance! + 1
return shortestPathGraph
Put this code in a playground and test it like so:
let shortestPathGraph = breadthFirstSearchShortestPath(graph, source: nodeA)
This will output:
Node(label: a, distance: 0), Node(label: b, distance: 1), Node(label: c, distance: 1),
Node(label: d, distance: 2), Node(label: e, distance: 2), Node(label: f, distance: 2),
Node(label: g, distance: 2), Node(label: h, distance: 3)
Note: This version of
does not actually produce the tree, it only computes the distances. See [minimum spanning tree](../Minimum Spanning Tree (Unweighted)/) on how you can convert the graph into a tree by removing edges.
Written by Chris Pilcher and Matthijs Hollemans