Publish with provenance
Publish with provenance
Force push
Deleted branch
Run lint after build
Run lint after build
Force push
Update node version in actions
Update node version in actions
Update dependencies
Update dependencies
Force push
Remove packages and metadata permissions
Remove packages and metadata permissions
Set permissions for nodejs and publish workflows
Set permissions for nodejs and publish workflows
Bump rollup from 2.26.3 to 3.29.5 in the npm_and_yarn group
Bump rollup from 2.26.3 to 3.29.5 in the npm_and_yarn group
Bump body-parser from 1.20.2 to 1.20.3 in the npm_and_yarn group
Bump body-parser from 1.20.2 to 1.20.3 in the npm_and_yarn group
Bump ws, and
Bump ws, and