Write an overview that provides a brief description of the board. This section should answer the following questions:
Which hardware is required to run the demo application?
Provide links to pages on your company website for more detail.
Which IDEs are supported for developing applications for the board?
Provide links to IDE user guides and download pages.
Which toolchains and other software utilities are required for development?
Provide links to user guides and download pages.
Are there any other prerequisites for getting started with FreeRTOS on the board?
Provide links to purchasing pages, user guides, and download pages.
In this section, provide instructions for setting up the platform's hardware. Make sure that you provide links to any user guides or other documentation for setting up hardware.
These instructions include the following:
Configuring jumper settings.
Downloading and installing drivers.
Provide links to download pages and other documentation for supported driver versions.
Connecting the board to a computer.
Any other steps required to set up the hardware.
In this section, provide instructions for setting up the platform's supported development environment. Make sure that you provide links to any download pages, user guides, or other documentation for each item.
These instructions include the following:
- Establishing a serial connection.
- Downloading and installing the toolchain.
- Downloading and installing a supported IDE.
- Any other software that is required to develop and debug applications for the device.
In this section, provide instructions for building the provided demo application in a supported IDE, or with supported command line tools.
In this section, provide instructions for flashing and running the FreeRTOS demo code on your board.
In this section, provide instructions for using on-board or external debuggers.
In this section, provide troubleshooting tips for resolving common or potential problems.
A Getting Started Guide template is available for download from the APN Partner Portal here. Credentials to sign in are required.