This mod doesn't do anything on it's own.
It provides an easy way for modders to add integration with the action menu.
It supports the use of the
- Radial Puppet
- Four Axis Puppet
- Button
- Toggle Button
- Sub Menus
Additionally allows mods to add their menus to a dedicated section on the action menu to prevent clutter.
To use simply add ActionMenuApi to your mods folder and reference it in your project same way as with UIX
using ActionMenuApi.Api;
using ActionMenuApi.Pedals;
//Call in OnApplicationStart()
//To add a button to the main page of the action menu
// Page to add to Action for onClick Text Texture locked
VRCActionMenuPage.AddButton(ActionMenuPage.Main, "Button",() => MelonLogger.Msg("Pressed Button"), buttonIcon true);
//To add a toggle to the main page of the action menu
VRCActionMenuPage.AddToggle(ActionMenuPage.Main,"Toggle", testBool, b => testBool = b, toggleIcon);
//To add a radial pedal to the main page of the action menu
VRCActionMenuPage.AddRadialPuppet(ActionMenuPageType.Main, "Radial",f => testFloatValue = f, testFloatValue, radialIcon);
//To add a submenu to the main page of the action menu and add a toggle and button to it
"Sub Menu",
delegate {
MelonLogger.Msg("Sub Menu Opened");
CustomSubMenu.AddButton("Pressed Button In Sub Menu", () => MelonLogger.Msg("Pressed Button In Sub Menu"), buttonIcon);
CustomSubMenu.AddToggle("Sub Menu Toggle",testBool2, b => testBool2 = b, toggleIcon);
When you lock/update a pedal in anyway, you must call either AMUtils.ResetMenu()
or AMUtils.RefreshMenu()
so that these changes will be visible. If you are after locking a submenu its advised that you call AMUtils.ResetMenu()
so that in case the user is already in the submenu it'll pushed them out of it. If you are just locking a button pedal or something, you can just call AMUtils.RefreshMenu()
to rebuild the current action menu submenu.
NOTE FOR PEOPLE USING THE LOCKING FUNCTIONALITY FOR RISKY FUNCTIONS: It is advised that in the case that my reflection to reset/refresh the action menu fails you have a boolean check in the pedal trigger event so that the action can't run anyway if it fails
For a mod example check out the test mod here
Distributed under the GPL-3.0 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Project Link: https://github.com/gompoc/VRChatMods
- XRef method from BenjaminZehowlt
- Knah assetbundle loading example and his solution structure