- What to know
- Where to start
- Example packages? Easy to follow tuturials
- Simple things to start off with? Like YASnippet packages
- Repo or site that has random emacs ideas for packages?
- Interactive Tutorials
- Where to go next after built in tutorial
- Elisp 101
- Using MELPA and installing packages
- Resources to subscribe/follow like blogs, social media accounts etc
- Must have packages
- Need to add more stuff
- Why create a new archive? Whats wrong with the old ones?
- Difficulty
- How did you get started
- How would one go about staring their own
- Contributing?
- Security? (Typo squatting, update package to be malicious once in some archive)
Overall FriendliesEncouragement towards beginnersMyth: Old hacker culture makes it difficult to change emacs?
- How did you learn?
- Beyond the info manual
- Mastering Emacs book?
Why take the initiative?How hard is it to organize something this big?Where can people show their support?
Samer would like to talk about thisCombine this talk w/ the one above? Why not
- What are steps necessary?
- How did you decided to do this?
- Fallbacks? Challenges? Fear of failing
- Development Status
- Pros and Cons
- Need to add more stuff
- Converting VIM minions to emacs saints
- How idea got started/ History behind it
- Current development status
- Future plans
Story from converting to an emacs saint.Also willing to talk about their Python and other languages setupNeed to add more stuff
- Need to add more stuff
- Links to get question ideas for Vasilij interview:
- https://github.com/wasamasa/quasiconf-2015
- https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Amusements.html (likes pong, tetirs, snake. Made by same guy)
- Concact author from built-in games also.
- doctor
- life
- animate-birthday-present
- butterfly
- Emacs appearances in film and TV
- Probably more…
- Aquamacs (Emacs for OSX)
- XEmacs
- Stephen Turnbull
- XEmacs history
- why someone should consider XEmacs today
- navigating lisp challenges
- Stephen Turnbull
- jed (and S-Lang)
- Too lazy to check for others.
- Spacemacs
- Prelude
- Emacs Starter Kit
- Awesome Emacs (kinda?)
- Sane Defaults
- Kinda like this one
- Mmm maybe not a good idea? Don’t know much about this stuff.
Introduction to exercism.ioTypes of questionsWhat to create/grow out of creating an elisp trackNeed to add more stuff
- Hydra
- Projectile (I freken love this package)
- Helm
- Magit
- Irony (C/C++)
- Elpy (Python) One question may be… Jython Support?
- Eclim (Java)
- AUCTeX (TeX/LaTeX)
- Org (Carsten Dominik, Bastien Guerry)
- Gnus
- Robe
- ein (iPython notebook mode inside emacs!)
- ERC (widely considered to be the best emacs IRC client)
- roguel (Roguelike game written in elisp)
- Challenges as a maintainer
- Richard Stallman (RMS)
- Noah Friedman (ERC co-author, long time FSF staffer, lots else :)
- Roland Mcgrath (Ditto.)
- RMS & Noah could probably recommend others)
- Starting a youtube carreer https://www.youtube.com/c/SystemCrafters/featured
- Creator of Nano Emacs
- And a lot of other goodies https://github.com/rougier?tab=repositories
- Gotta give this package more credit with shr enabled + org mode like