In some use cases, we need to produce RTC encoded frames with custom metadata.
For example, we might want to use different timestamps to introduce a delay. A more interesting use case is relaying incoming encoded frames from one peer connection to one or more other peer connections as outgoing data use case 3.2.2. This is covered by another explainer
We propose introducing a constructor for encoded frames that takes another frame as input + customized metadata.
Supporting the relay use case requires an API to insert encoded frames into a peer connection. This is covered by this explainer.
Consider a scenario where the application wants to introduce a delay for playback.
// code in main.js file
const worker = new Worker('worker.js');
// Let pc be an already configured peer connection.
pc.ontrack = ({receiver}) =>
receiver.transform = new RTCRtpScriptTransform(worker, {name: "receiverTransform1"});
// code in worker.js file
onrtctransform = async ({transformer: {readable, writable, options}}) => {
await readable.pipeThrough(new TransformStream({transform})).pipeTo(writable);
function transform(frame, controller) {
// getCustomMetadata is application-defined (e.g., adjust timestamps)
const newFrame = new RTCRtpEncodedVideoFrame(frame, {metadata: getUnifiedMetadata(frame)});
For the reliable forwarding use case, see this explainer.