This module will install the latest puppetserver 5 series in your system.
If you are looking into puppet 4 and puppetserver 2 please use an older version of this module.
This module can also configure puppetdb integration.
This is a very simple module, usually used for development and test purposes.
Yes, you can use it in production, but it is a simple module, you may miss some parameters for production use.
The main objective is to install puppetserver with minimal intervention in the default files.
Augeas resource type is used to change parameters inside the puppet.conf.
This module was tested under these platforms
- CentOS 6 and 7
- Debian 8
- Ubuntu 16.04
Tested only in X86_64 arch.
You need to enable debian jessie backports and install jdk8 before use this module.
echo "deb jessie-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get -y -t jessie-backports install "openjdk-8-jdk-headless"
In the future I will try to support this requirements inside the module, for now, you should do this before.
You can try my debian8 box with jdk and backport enabled.
You need internet to install packages.
You should configure your hostname properly.
You should configure your /etc/hosts properly.
ip fqdn alias puppet
- Puppet >= 5.0.0
- Hiera >= 3.4 (v5 format)
via git
# cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environment/production/modules
# git clone puppetserver
via puppet
# puppet module install gutocarvalho/puppetserver
via puppetfile
mod 'gutocarvalho-puppetserver'
puppet apply -e "include puppetserver"
class { 'puppetserver':
certname => $trusted['certname'],
version => '5.1.4-1.el7',
autosign => true,
java_args => '-Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m',
agent_version => '5.3.3-1.el7',
puppetdb => true,
puppetdb_version => '5.1.3-1.el7',
puppetdb_server => $trusted['certname'],
puppetdb_port => 8081,
system_config_path => '/etc/sysconfig'
class { 'puppetserver':
certname => $trusted['certname'],
version => '5.1.4-1.el6',
autosign => true,
java_args => '-Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m',
agent_version => '5.3.3-1.el6',
puppetdb => true,
puppetdb_version => '5.1.3-1.el6',
puppetdb_server => $trusted['certname'],
puppetdb_port => 8081,
system_config_path => '/etc/sysconfig'
class { 'puppetserver':
certname => $trusted['certname'],
version => '5.1.4-1puppetlabs1',
autosign => true,
java_args => '-Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m',
agent_version => '5.3.3-1xenial',
puppetdb => true,
puppetdb_version => '5.1.3-1puppetlabs1',
puppetdb_server => $trusted['certname'],
puppetdb_port => 8081,
system_config_path => '/etc/default'
class { 'puppetserver':
certname => $trusted['certname'],
version => '5.1.4-1puppetlabs1',
autosign => true,
java_args => '-Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m',
agent_version => '5.3.3-1jessie',
puppetdb => true,
puppetdb_version => '5.1.3-1puppetlabs1',
puppetdb_server => $trusted['certname'],
puppetdb_port => 8081,
system_config_path => '/etc/default'
puppetserver::install (private)
puppetserver::config (private)
puppetserver::service (private)
Type: String
Certificate name for the agent and server.
Type: String
The puppet server package version. ( 5.1.4-1puppetlabs1 | installed | latest )
Type: Boolean
If true puppet server will sign every certificate request.
Type: String
Configuration for the puppetserver JVM.
Type: String
The puppet agent package version ( 5.3.3-1.el7 | installed | latest )
Type: Boolean
If true it will config puppetdb integration.
Type: String
The puppetdb package version. ( 5.1.3-1puppetlabs1 | installed | latest )
Type: String
The puppetdb server address (FQDN).
Type: Integer
The puppetdb port number (8081).
Type: String
Path for the default OS configuration for puppetserver package.
puppetserver::puppetdb: false
puppetserver::puppetdb_server: "%{::ipaddress}"
puppetserver::puppetdb_port: 8081
puppetserver::puppetdb_version: '5.1.3-1.el7'
puppetserver::certname: "%{trusted.certname}"
puppetserver::version: '5.1.4-1.el7'
puppetserver::autosign: false
puppetserver::java_args: '-Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m'
puppetserver::system_config_path: '/etc/sysconfig'
puppetserver::agent_version: '5.3.3-1.el7'
This is the Hiera v5 configuration inside the module.
This module does not have params class, everything is under hiera v5.
version: 5
datadir: data
data_hash: yaml_data
- name: "OSes"
- "oses/distro/%{}/%{facts.os.release.major}.yaml"
- "oses/family/%{}.yaml"
- name: "common"
path: "common.yaml"
This is an example of files under modules/puppetserver/data
This module was developed using
- Puppet 5.3
- Hiera 3.4 (v5 format)
- Facter 2.5
- CentOS 7.4
- Vagrant 2.0.1
- box: gutocarvalho/centos7x64puppet5
This module uses puppet-lint, puppet-syntax, metadata-json-lint, rspec-puppet, beaker and travis-ci. We hope you use them before submitting your PR.
gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
bundle install --without development
bundle exec rake syntax
bundle exec rake lint
bundle exec rake metadata_lint
bundle exec rake spec
Acceptance tests (Beaker) can be executed using ./ There is a matrix 1/5 to test this class under Centos 6/7, Debian 8 and Ubuntu 14.04/16.04.
bash ./
If you want a detailed output, set this before run
export BEAKER_debug=true
If you want to test a specific OS from our matrix
BEAKER_set=centos-6-x64 bundle exec rake beaker
Our matrix values
This matrix needs vagrant (>=1.9) and virtualbox (>=5.1) to work properly, make sure that you have both of them installed.
Guto Carvalho (gutocarvalho at gmail dot com)