diff --git a/spec/unit/hanami/router/recognize_failing_spec.rb b/spec/unit/hanami/router/recognize_failing_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c25c2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/hanami/router/recognize_failing_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+RSpec.describe Hanami::Router do
+  let(:router) do
+    Hanami::Router.new do
+      get '/images', to: 'images.index'
+      post '/images', to: 'images.upload'
+      get '/images/:id', to: 'images.show'
+      post '/images/bulk', to: 'images.upload'
+    end
+  end
+  it "recognize GET" do
+    route = router.recognize("/images", method: "GET")
+    expect(route.routable?).to be(true)
+    expect(route.verb).to eq("GET")
+    expect(route.path).to eq("/images")
+    expect(route.params).to eq({})
+  end
+  it "recognizes POST" do
+    route = router.recognize("/images", method: "POST")
+    expect(route.routable?).to be(true)
+    expect(route.verb).to eq("POST")
+    expect(route.path).to eq("/images")
+    expect(route.params).to eq({})
+  end
+  describe "with path variables" do
+    it "recognize GET with path variable" do
+      route = router.recognize("/images/1", method: "GET")
+      expect(route.routable?).to be(true)
+      expect(route.verb).to eq("GET")
+      expect(route.path).to eq("/images/1")
+      expect(route.params).to eq({ id: "1" })
+    end
+    it "recognizes POST with path variable" do
+      route = router.recognize("/images/bulk", method: "POST")
+      expect(route.routable?).to be(true)
+      expect(route.verb).to eq("POST")
+      expect(route.path).to eq("/images/bulk")
+      expect(route.params).to eq({})
+    end
+  end