- Corrected some RuboCop glitches (#10)
- Upgraded the rubocop dependencies (#11)
- Added all versions up to Ruby 3.4 to the CI matrix (#9)
- Added the logger dependency (#8)
- Switched to Zeitwerk as autoloader (#7)
- Raised minimum supported Ruby/Rails version to 2.7/6.1 (#6)
- Upgraded the
gem to~> 2.0
- Just a retag of 1.3.1
- Just a retag of 1.3.1
- Just a retag of 1.3.1
- Just a retag of 1.3.1
- Added API docs building to continuous integration (#4)
- Moved the development dependencies from the gemspec to the Gemfile (#2)
- Dropped support for Ruby <2.7 (#3)
- Added support for Gem release automation
- Bundler >= 2.3 is from now on required as minimal version (#1)
- Dropped support for Ruby < 2.5 (#1)
- Dropped support for Rails < 5.2 (#1)
- Updated all development/runtime gems to their latest Ruby 2.5 compatible version (#1)
- Migrated to Github Actions
- Migrated to our own coverage reporting
- Added the code statistics to the test process
- Renamed the Gem to
- Initial release, extracted from former grape-jwt-authentication code at v1.3.0.