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A curated list of cool, good or just simple resources related to and made with Node.js




  • ketting - Ketting is a Hypermedia client for javascript
  • twilly - An abstraction layer on top of the Twilio API to make automating customer service interactions much easier! Designed for use with Node.js and Express
  • autoserver - Create a full-featured REST/GraphQL API from a configuration file
  • cloudquery - Turn any website to API by several clicks (serverless and support SPA!)
  • graphqless - REST and GraphQL really aren't that different. I'll prove it!
  • konga - More than just another GUI to Kong Admin API
  • apify-js - Apify SDK — The scalable web crawling and scraping library for JavaScript/Node.js. Enables development of data extraction and web automation jobs (not only) with headless Chrome and Puppeteer


  • leon - Leon is your open-source personal assistant.


  • Viper - Real-time tracking and analytics using Node.js and Socket.IO
  • insights - Open Source Self-Hosted Business Intelligence Platform
  • Ackee - Self-hosted, Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy.


  • average-rating - Calculate average score and rating based on Wilson Score Equation
  • node-arpad - Implementation of ELO for Node.js
  • flexsearch - Next-Generation full text search library for Browser and Node.js


  • reattempt - Give your functions another chance


  • foxr - Node.js API to control Firefox
  • playwright - Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API



  • arbitrage.js - Arbitrage Bot: a long/short market-neutral strategy
  • leon - Leon is your open-source personal assistant

Command Line Tools

  • db - Version control for databases: save, restore, and archive snapshots of your database from the command line
  • fx - Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer
  • xmysql - One command to generate REST APIs for any MySql Database.
  • jay - Supercharged JavaScript REPL
  • kosko - Write Kubernetes manifests in JavaScript
  • mercury-parser - Extract meaningful content from the chaos of a web page
  • ignite - The hottest CLI for React Native, boilerplates, plugins, generators, and more!

Command Line Interface

  • oclif - Node.js Open CLI Framework. Built with purple_heart by Heroku.
  • gluegun - A delightful toolkit for building TypeScript-powered command-line apps


  • RxDB - RxDB A realTime database for JavaScript Applications
  • Nano-SQL - Universal database layer for the client, server & mobile devices. It's like Lego for databases.
  • hyperdb - Distributed scalable database
  • Mongoku - The Web-scale GUI for MongoDB
  • Userbase - Create secure and private web apps using only static JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Date Time

  • date-fns - Modern JavaScript date utility library


  • actions-toolkit - A toolkit for building GitHub Actions in Node.js
  • nodebook - Nodebook - Multi-Lang Web REPL + CLI Code runner
  • OverVue - Prototyping Tool For Vue Devs


  • docz - It has never been so easy to document your things!
  • outline - The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, feature rich, markdown compatible and open source.
  • codecrumbs - Learn, design or document codebase by putting breadcrumbs in source code. Live updates, multi-language support and mo
  • JIRA_clone - A simplified Jira clone built with React/Babel (Client), and Node/TypeScript (API). Auto formatted with Prettier, tested with Cypress.
  • docma - A powerful tool to easily generate beautiful HTML documentation from JavaScript (JSDoc), Markdown and HTML files.



  • levelui - A GUI for LevelDB management based on atom-shell
  • trilium - Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes
  • AppServer - AppServer is a Desktop Proxy + App Server for HTML, MD files for Developers and Enthusiasts


  • monument - event based http server for nodejs

Event Sourcing

  • wolkenkit - wolkenkit is an open-source CQRS and event-sourcing framework for JavaScript and Node.js



  • finance.js - A JavaScript library for common financial calculations


  • OverVue - Prototyping Tool For Vue Devs 适用于Vue的原型工具


  • nodecg - Create broadcast graphics using Node.js and a browser


  • httpie - A Node.js HTTP client as easy as pie!
  • request-compose - Composable HTTP Client
  • user-agents - A JavaScript library for generating random user agents with data that's updated daily
  • monument - event based http server for nodejs

Id Generators

  • hashids.js - A small JavaScript library to generate YouTube-like ids from numbers.
  • nanoid - A tiny (137 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript


  • deepmerge - A library for deep (recursive) merging of Javascript objects
  • dinoql - A customizable GraphQL style query language for interacting with JavaScript objects
  • redactyl.js - Redact sensitive information from JSON for logging (Node.js)


  • redis-commander - Redis management tool written in node.js
  • adminjs - AdminJS is an admin panel for apps written in node.js
  • BugVilla - Track, Manage & Kill Bugs Effectively 🔪 🪲
  • guijs - 🐣️ The app that makes your #devlife easier.


  • websub - A simple and fast pub/sub server and client using WebSockets and Node.js


  • Fusuma - Fusuma makes slides with Markdown easily.
  • big - presentations for busy messy hackers


  • Musish - The unofficial open source Apple Music webapp

Neural Network

Package Management

  • proxy-registry - This is a simple proxy registry that uses your existing npm cache
  • yalc - Work with yarn/npm packages locally like a boss.

Precess Management

  • execa - Process execution for humans


  • bull - Premium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS
  • node-resque - Node.js Background jobs backed by redis.


  • hexnut - Hexnut is a middleware based, express/koa like framework for web sockets
  • hexnut-handle - Basic middleware abstraction for handling connections and messages
  • hexnut-bodyparser - Automatically parse JSON messages
  • hexnut-sequence - Sequencing middleware for the HexNut framework
  • hexnut-with-observable - A Hexnut middleware for integrating with rxjs
  • hexnut-restore-connection - HexNut middleware to restore a lost connection
  • hexnut-router - Routing middleware for HexNut
  • turtleDB - turtleDB is a JavaScript framework and in-browser database for developers to build offline-first, collaborative web applications
  • deepstream - the open realtime server


  • super-expressive - 🦜 Super Expressive is a zero-dependency JavaScript library for building regular expressions in (almost) natural language

Rule Engines

  • json-rule-engine - A rules engine expressed in JSON
  • nools - Rete based rules engine written in javascript
  • node-rools - Node-rules is a light weight forward chaining rule engine written in JavaScript.
  • rools - A small rule engine for Node.
  • trool - A rule engine for NodeJS written in TypeScript
  • js-rules-engine - JavaScript rules engine for validating data object structures.
  • rules - Durable Rules Engine



  • flowage - Easy transformations and filtering for NodeJS object streams

State Machines

  • rosmaro - Visual automata-based programming in functional JavaScript

Static Site Generators

  • cogear.js - Modern static websites generator (Node.JS/Webpack)
  • gatsby - Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React
  • vuepress - Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
  • saber - ()==[:::::::::::::> Build static sites in Vue.js, without the hassle


  • microjob - A tiny wrapper for turning Node.js worker threads into easy-to-use routines for heavy CPU loads


  • tall - Promise-based, No-dependency URL unshortner (expander) module for Node.js
  • slugify - Slugify a string
  • mercury-parser - Extract meaningful content from the chaos of a web page


  • destiny - Prettier for File Structures
  • klona - A tiny (240B to 501B) and fast utility to "deep clone" Objects, Arrays, Dates, RegExps, and more!

Web Frameworks

  • limitrr - Light NodeJS rate limiting and response delaying using Redis - including Express middleware
  • tough-cookie - RFC6265 Cookies and CookieJar for Node.js
  • schnack - Simple self-hosted node app for Disqus-like drop-in commenting on static websites

Web Servers

  • zero - Zero is a web server to simplify web development
  • graphpack - A minimalistic zero-config GraphQL server
  • postgraphile - Instant lightning-fast GraphQL API backed primarily by your PostgreSQL database. Highly customisable and extensible thanks to incredibly powerful plugin system.




Event Loop


Getting Started





