This page is to capture ideas - they can be 0.35-baked or fully formed. Feel free to add to any conversations - please leave your initials after each contribution [sh]
Here we have:
Recipe ideas: concepts for hardware+software projects
Editorial ideas: suggestions about how to organize and produce the book, as well as possible variations
One micro:bit, a pair of lasers, and light sensors to measure the speed of a model train or miniature car. The lasers and sensors are on opposite sides of the track. When a vehicle blocks the parallel beams in succession, the micro:bit computes and displays the speed, using configurable units. [LR]
Tags: micro:bit, laser, phototransistor, laser, hotwheels, model railroad
One RaspberryPi Pico, a camera, a pair of lasers, and light sensors to photograph a miniature car as it passes. The speed is written to the image before it is saved.
This is similar to Model train speed display, with the addition of the photo capture and using a different microcontroller.
Bonus feature: an embedded HTTP server hosts a static leaderboard page with the top 5 photos ranked by speed. The page is updated with each new photo reading. [LR]
Tags: RPi Pico, camera, laser, phototransistor, hot wheels, model railroad, camera, HTTP
Lightning talk sessions work best when there is a large timer visible to the speaker and the audience—so they know when to clap ;-)
This project is a 1 meter wide banner made of fabric with a 3-digit display to show a countdown from five minutes shown as 5:00. The segments of the digits and the colon are made of LED strips sewn on the fabric, together with the microcontroller and a pair of buttons to set and restart the timer.
A key technique in this project is how to use the output pins of an ESP32 to drive LED strips that require higher voltage and draw more current than the microcontroller can provide.
Bonus feature: provide HTTP end points to set and restart the timer.
Tags: ESP32, LED strip, HTTP
Show the current position of the ISS and indicate if it is "visible" at the current location ("visible" based on the angle in the sky). If it is "visible" inform for how long it will stay visible, if not inform how long until it is visible.
This information can be calculated from public available data using the Skyfield library. The hard part of this project may be generating a version of Skyfield that runs with MicroPython.
A graphical display is probably the best for this project.
Tags: Web, graphical display
After writing two books in AsciiDoc I've adopted semantic line breaks. Essentially, that's the practice of adding a physical line break in the source text at the end of each period or even clauses within a period, to avoid long lines in the source.
Most editors default to dynamic line wrap when we write plain text. This means that a seven line paragraph in the output is naturally coded as a single very long physical line, making it difficult to use diffs during edits and reviews.
I wrote this section using semantic line breaks.
Please browse the semantic line breaks site for more details and rationale. [LR]
Once we design and implement a project on one microcontroller, it's often very easy to port it to a different device. This means we could publish microcontroller-specific variations of essentially the same book without too much extra effort.
A book with a specific microcontroller in the title may be more attractive to readers looking for projects tailored to the microcontroller they have.
Those books would be a follow-ups to the initial volume, which is a collection of projects using whatever microcontrollers each of us wants to play with. [LR]
Ideally we can isolate architecture-specific content in some way that allows its interpolation into the shared content in an automated way. [SH]
Our focus is MicroPython, of course.
But once we have a bunch of projects and explanations written with MicroPython, it should not be too hard to rewrite them in TinyGo, Rust, or JavaScript and make more derived books.
As a bonus, a few polyglot projects would provide a very interesting comparison between languages, toolchains, and hardware APIs. [LR]
Sure, but let's get a few MicroPython volumes out first! [SH]
I'm sure a volume on the differences between MicroPython and Circuit Python would be interesting and useful. [SH]