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132 lines (81 loc) · 8.66 KB

Example usage scripts for CESAR-P

Collection of scripts to use the cesar-p-core library. Different usage scenarios are shown here, but it does not include all possibilities.

The project is NOT intended to be directly used to start your project. Copy and paste the scripts you want to use to your project and adapt to your needs.

Project Info

  • Main contact: Kristina Orehounig
  • Developers: Léonie Fierz (Urban Energy Systems Lab at Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology Empa)
  • Programming Language and Version: Python 3.8
  • Dependencies (see also requirements.txt)
    • cesar-p version 2.4.0
    • geomeppy (for 3D obj generation from idf files, needed for example)
  • Documentation: all included in this README and in the comments of the different example scripts

Project Status

There is no versioning for this examples project, but they are ready to be used as a start for your own project based on cesar-p-core. There are Tags marking the version compatible with earlier cesar-p-core lib versions in case you need to use an older cesar-p-core version.

Installation & Usage

  1. Set up [cesar-p-core library]( according to the [installation guide](

  2. Activate the virtual environment you installed cesar-p-core libarary, if you followed the installation instrucctions and you are on Windows do:

  3. Open a shell and navigate to the folder you want to have the examples in.

  4. Clone this project to your computer:

git clone
  1. Then to run e.g. the simple example:
cd simple_example

You can adapt the simple_example/simple_main_config.yml to point to your project files for site vertices, building information and weather file.

For more options what you can do with the SimulationManager API, e.g. hourly result outputs, check out advanced_examples/

For more information about CESAR-P usage please refer to CESAR-P core project

For instructions how to run CESAR-P with Docker: see Dockerfile and instruction in cesar-p-core repository

Scripts overview

For most of the examples in pre_or_postprocessing_scripts you need to first run a simulation of the simple_example project, see above. Navigate to pre_or_postprocessing_scripts to run the scripts, as most of them have relative path specifications.

A short overview of the examples included:

Folder Script Description
example_project_files   Project input files (site vertices, BuildingInformation used by many examples)
simple_example Running simulations for a site, without operational emissions & costs
advanced_examples/results   Folder where results are saved to from all advanced examples. Will be created when you run something.
advanced_examples Running simulations, re-loading existiong projects from disk, hourly output, project ZIP creation Usable as command line interface, debug a single building.
advanced_examples Running a base-case and retrofit scenario, retrofitting all builings
advanced_examples Running a base-case and retrofit, retrofitting to match energy strategy 2050 path
advanced_examples Running a base-case and retrofit scenario, retrofitting all builings
advanced_examples Use cesar-p to just simulate a bunch of existing IDF files and get the results in cesar-p format.
advanced_examples/custom_constr_archetype_mapping Example how to implement an own factory class to assign the construction archetype to your buildings, overwriting the default behaviour based on the construction year. If you just want to use custom archetypes, you could also edit the config of cesarp.graphdb_access and assign your archetype URIs for the archetypes to use. Shows also how you can merge different configuration files.
advanced_examples/operation_params_per_floor Assigning different operational parameters per floor. E.g. first floor is SHOP, rest MFH. Shows how to create your own factory for the operational parameters.
advanced_examples/multi_scenario Run different scenarios for the same site. Changing building models or re-creating from scratch, depending on the change between the scenarios.
pre_or_postprocessing_scripts Convert an IDF file to a *.obj 3D file you can load e.g. in a online 3D viewer
pre_or_postprocessing_scripts Query different attributes of the archetypes form the GraphDB, e.g. glazing ratio or infiltration rate
pre_or_postprocessing_scripts Load existing building container dumps (must include the BuildingModel) and query building properties
pre_or_postprocessing_scripts Get the number of footprint vertices per building. Helpful to see whether you have strange geometries.
pre_or_postprocessing_scripts Differetn ways to access and postprocess results after a simulation run finished
development_scripts Get one big file with all configuration parameters
development_scripts The default IDD file of E+ is extended to support more building vertices. This scripts helps to generates those IDD lines you need to add. Has to be done for each E+ version supported by cesar-p.
development_scripts Scripts used while developing the cesarp.graphdb_access package
development_scripts Compare one-by-one versus all at onece random number generation


You are welcome to open issues reporting bugs or creating pull requests with bugfixes or new examples!

Before submitting your contribution as a pull request please check code formatting with flake8 and proper type hints with mppy.