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Bitstream update for CAPI cards

Frank Haverkamp edited this page Apr 1, 2016 · 14 revisions

To update the CAPI version of our compression FPGA card the following tools can be used:

The Nallatech card can store two bitstreams. One (default:0) is loaded after power on. The other one is used to recover problems with the default bitstream (backup: 1). As consequence we recommend updating the default bitstream, reload and check if you get the expected results. If not, something has gone wrong and you can use the backup bitstream to recover the situation. Only update the backup bitstream, if you are absolutely sure that it works.

The currently supported cards are manufactured by Nallatech and use Altera FPGAs. Those require *.rbf files to be used. Depending on which personalization of the card one has either the plain rbf, the compressed, or the encrypted+compressed rbf must be used.

After the bitstream is updated a reload of the bitstream needs to be triggered:

echo 1 > /sys/class/cxl/card0/reset

This needs to be done as superuser and please ensure that you do not run something important on the system you are using that operation. We saw older CAPI versions having problems with that. Once you tried that out a couple of times and it works, it should be stable.

If for whatever reason this soft-reload is not working, you can powercycle/reboot the system to enforce the reload of the card.

The Linux CAPI subsystem offers several sysfs interfaces. Please review the following documentation for details: cxl driver sysfs interfaces