Welcome dear fellow of sophisticated power system modelling! 👋 And thank you for considering your contribution to this project! With this document we would like to give you some orientation on how you can contribute.
- Testing and reporting bugs
- Suggest extensions
- Contributing code
- Branching and handing in pull requests
- General (software) design guidelines
- Testing
- Finalising your pull request
- For any doubts
We really appreciate your usage of this project. [//]: # Whenever you find a bug, it would be nice to check, if this isn't a feature to us. 😉 [//]: # You may find extensive information about the intended behaviour when you Read the Docs or within the javadoc. If you think it's a bug, please raise an issue for us. Considering the following aspects in your inquiry, assists us in helping you:
- Is there already an issue addressing your problem?
- Try to locate the error as precise as possible.
- What has to be done to reproduce the error?
- Provide stack trace, logs etc. and further helpful information
- What would do you expect to happen?
- Mark the issue with the label bug.
We use issues as well to keep track of enhancement suggestions. Considering the following aspects, assists us in understanding your needs properly:
- Is there already an issue addressing your request?
- What would do you desire for?
- If possible provide an example or sketch.
- Show a use case, that should be as versatile as possible.
- Mark the issue with the label enhancement.
If you intend to produce some lines of code, pick an issue and get some hands on!
We try to follow a branch naming strategy of the form <initials>/#<issueId>-<description>
If for example Prof. Dr. rer. hort. Klaus-Dieter Brokkoli would like to add some work on node models reported in issue 4711, he would open a branch kb/#4711-extendingNodeModels
Please hand in a draft pull request as early as possible to allow other to keep track on your changes.
Before opening it for review, please finalise your pull request.
In order to maintain a consistent project, we thought of some general design guidlines, we kindly ask you to take care of:
- We ❤️ immutability. Therefore, please don't provide setters and use proper instantiation instead.
double a = b * pow(x, j)
? ✋ Please be expressive in what you code!- Document your code with javadoc.
Ensure the proper function of your code by test driven development (TDD). We have good experiences using Spock as a testing framework for Groovy.
Some automated checks assist us in delivering a pretty fair quality of software. Before marking the pull request as 'ready to review', take these precautionary actions:
- Are all tests passing? Run
gradle test
- Is your code properly formatted? Run
gradle spotlessApply
gradle finalizePR
summarizes all of these steps .
... please contact
- Johannes (@johanneshiry) or
- Chris (@ckittl)
We are happy to help! 😃