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69 lines (50 loc) · 2.27 KB

File metadata and controls

69 lines (50 loc) · 2.27 KB


Drop support for python 3.7.

Moved % and .format expression identification to ast instead of legacy token state machine.

This has led to small changes in formatting of output code, e.g. type of quotes in ambiguous cases might have changed. Example: 'first part {}'"second part {}".format(one, two) used to result in " quotes, and now results in ', as in f'first part {one}second part {two}'. I think it's a minor change in the output. At the same time it's a huge simplification of the source code that should help maintain and develop this project in the future.


[Contributed by Aarni Koskela] --transform-joins (-tj) will transform string join operations on static operands to an f-string.

[Contributed by Aarni Koskela] Fix handling of escaped unicode characters (#55 and #104).

[Contributed by Aarni Koskela] Add flags to disable percent statement / .format statement transformations: --no-tp, --no-transform-percent and --no-tf, --no-transform-format.


Added support to configuration via file. For per-project configuration, use pyproject.toml file, [tool.flynt] section. for global config, use ~/.config/flynt.toml file.


[Contributed by Ryan Barrett] Aggressive mode enables transforming expressions where same variable is used twice, e.g. """a = '%(?)s %(?)s' % {'?': var}""" to """a = f'{var} {var}'"""


  • added the changelog.
  • added -a / --aggressive flag to enable risky (with behaviour potentially different from original) transformations. This currently includes "%5" % var -> f"{var:5}" transformation. Demo of unsafe behavior:
print( "|%5s|%5d|%5d|" % ('111', 999_999, 77)  )
print( "|%5d|%5d|%5d|" % (111, 999_999, 77)  )

print( "|{:5s}|{:5}|{:5}|".format('111', 999_999, 77)  )
print( f"|{111:5}|{999_999:5}|{77:5}|" )

""" output:
|  111|999999|   77|
|  111|999999|   77|
|111  |999999|   77|  << behavior differs when printing a string
|  111|999999|   77|
  • %d format specifier is transformed only in --aggressive mode, and will result in "%d" % var -> f"{int(var)}". See #59.

  • added short versions to other flags:

--line-length, -l
--transform-concats, -tc
--verbose, -v
--quiet, -q
--fail-on-change, -f