A protoc plugin for generating log field extractors.
It is useful to augment log messages with additional context from the execution environment. For example, when handling an RPC, it may be useful to add some fields of the request message to any messages logged while handling the request.
- Install
, and ensure it is on your path. - Install Go.
go install github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogo
go install github.com/improbable-io/go-proto-logfields/protoc-gen-gologfields
Given a an RPC:
syntax = "proto3";
package doer_of_something;
import "github.com/improbable-io/go-proto-logfields/logfields.proto";
Service Doer {
rpc DoSomething (SomethingRequest) returns (SomethingResponse) {}
The request might be annotated as such:
message SomethingRequest {
string what = 1 [(improbable.logfield) = {name: "what_was_requested"}];
The logfields extractor can be generated with:
protoc \
--proto_path=${GOPATH//:/\/src --proto_path=}/src \
--proto_path=${GOPATH//:/\/src --proto_path=}/src/github.com/gogo/protobuf/src \
--proto_path=. \
--gogo_out=. \
--gologfields_out=. \
With the generated code, a set of logging fields can be generated as follows:
fields := (&SomethingRequest{What: "something"}).LogFields()
// prints: map[what_was_requested: something]
By default, the output files use the github.com/gogo/protobuf
implementation. To use the github.com/golang/protobuf
implementation, the logfields generator must be passed a gogoimport=false
flag as follows:
protoc \
--proto_path=${GOPATH//:/\/src --proto_path=}/src \
--proto_path=${GOPATH//:/\/src --proto_path=}/src/github.com/google/protobuf/src \
--proto_path=. \
--go_out=. \
--gologfields_out=gogoimport=false:. \
The changes are:
- The
is adjusted from the gogo repository to the google repository. --gogo_out
is replaced with--go_out
is replaced with--gologfields_out=gogoimport=false:.